The mayor of Ruse honored the presentation of a book about the good hearts of the “Bistra and Galina” foundation – 2024-05-12 01:40:11

by times news cr

2024-05-12 01:40:11

An anniversary book for the good hearts of the “Bistra and Galina” foundation was presented today in the summer garden of the hotel of the same name. The event was attended by the mayor Pencho Milkov, former and current teachers in the field of arts, science and sports from all classrooms of the foundation’s Summer Academy , its former scholarship holders and laureates, members of its Management Board, representatives of the Regional Library, the Open Society club, the Ruse Catholic organization “Caritas”, etc. This was announced by the press center of the Ruse Municipality.

“It is important for the people of Ruse to understand how significant the activities of organizations and foundations such as “Bistra and Galina” are. You are one of the first in Ruse in the most recent times of the city to develop charitable activities, helping talented and socially disadvantaged children, and this deserves our respect and appreciation,” said Pencho Milkov in his greeting to the chairman of the board of directors of the “Bistra and Galina” foundation Zdravka Bardarova Mrs. Burdarova statuette of the Freedom Monument.

The book for the good hearts of the “Bistra and Galina” foundation presents the mission of the non-governmental organization, which aims to create conditions for building spiritual development and cultural personalities, promoting the creative and constructive beginning in man and assisting in the further development of cultural communication between the people.

The luxurious edition of 128 pages with over 300 photos, financed by Zdravka Bardarova, is a gift and a gesture to all supporters, donors, thousands of scholarship holders and participants in the active life of the foundation. It was presented by the author of the book, Assoc. Ph.D. Sonia Alexieva, who has a master’s degree in journalism and a doctorate in sociological sciences, as well as a co-founder and member of the Board of the Association for Advertising and Communications in Tourism.

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