The mess of Almudena Cid and Bertín Osborne with a lullaby in Basque

by time news

2023-05-10 18:43:55

Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 6:43 p.m.

Basque has been the protagonist in the least expected place, a program on Canal Sur de Andalucía presented by Bertín Osborne. The main guest this week was Almudena Cid and the woman from Gasteiz matched her sympathy and self-confidence. At 42 years old, the former gymnast showed her talent for acting and singing.

With the help of Vicky Martín Berrocal, a regular contributor to the program ‘El show de Bertín’, a “third degree” of questions led to a special moment that left the presenters literally speechless. After the question about which casting of hers had been the strangest of hers, Almudena Cid confessed that she had to learn the Doraemon song in Japanese, and she demonstrated it with a surreal but well-tuned interpretation.

Bertín Osborne confessed that he has sung in French, English and Italian, but never in Japanese. The Madrid singer then recalled that he once heard “a lullaby in beautiful Basque, but I have not sung in that language, too complicated for me.”

Almudena Cid then began to sing Mikel Laboa’s ‘Txoria, txori’, knowing that perhaps the presenter was not referring to said song. “Hegoak ebaki banizkio nerea izango zen…”, the woman from Gasteiz sang before the surprised Bertín and Vicky. “Precious, and how well you sing,” he told her.

Two songs in Basque

The actress and writer today finished off her performance without changing languages ​​to also sing in Basque another famous song from a Japanese cartoon, that of ‘Dragoi Bola’.

Before showing his musical gifts, Almudena Cid had time to talk about other less transcendental topics, such as his greatest “confessible vice.” “I love slathering myself in moisturizer because for years when I was competing I couldn’t do it and my skin was very scratchy on all sides.” She also recounted the moment in which she was “a theater room with her ass in the air”, when after a number with a ball the pants she wore on stage tore. A video that she herself uploaded to her social networks showed how funny the moment was.

Almudena Cid also spoke during the Canal Sur program of her ex-partner, Christian Gálvez, also on television, two years after their separation. «I was forced to start from scratch; when that person leaves, you think that your whole being has gone and it is not like that ». She also confessed that she did not see that separation coming: “it was hard because it was something surprising so I chose to isolate myself … the good thing is that I have always been in therapy.”

#mess #Almudena #Cid #Bertín #Osborne #lullaby #Basque

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