The messages they sent to Mariana Denderián and Francisco Aravena after the fatal fire – 2024-05-14 05:36:41

by times news cr

2024-05-14 05:36:41

Faces of the national show delivered their condolences and messages of affection to the former couple, who lost a six-year-old son in a fire that occurred this morning.

Mariana Dederrian y Francisco Aravena, They are going through a difficult time, after a fire in the house of the actress would end with a fatal outcome, causing the death of his youngest son.

Unfortunately, the six-year-old could not be evacuated in timewhich led to his death inside the house.

On the other hand, the The children’s father, as soon as he found out what was happening, came to the house with the intention of rescuing him, which was impossible. As a result, he suffered serious injuries from smoke inhalation, which is why he is in an induced coma. The interpreter, meanwhile, He suffered minor injuries.

The messages they have sent to Mariana Denderián and Francisco Aravena

After the tragic news became known, several users, friends and colleagues have taken advantage of social networks to give their support to Mariana Dederián and Francisco Aravena in this complex moment.

From ChileActores They did not hesitate to offer their condolences and extend their help to the interpreter: “We deeply regret the difficult moment that our colleague, Mariana Derderián, is facing. As a collective, we want to send you all our love, strength and the support of ChileActors for whatever you need.”.

This post unleashed a wave of comments from well-known actors and national faces who showed their support with various messages. Within them, we find figures such as Mariana DiGirolamo, Cristián Riquelme, Alonso Quintero, Carla Jara, Lorena Capetilloamong others.


For her part, the chef Connie Achurra, who is a friend of Derderián, made a publication on her Instagram profile with a black image with a white heart in the middle.

“All the love in the universe to you and your family, dear friend,” wrote.

While in a story uploaded at noon he urged his followers: “Now at 12 we are all going to join together to send love and light to Mariana, Leti and Francisco in case they want to join. Love, prayers, light, whatever you believe in. We love you friend and we are here for you.”.


On the other hand, the actress’s latest publication has been filled with comments from her followers and friends giving her messages of affection.

“There are no words… incomprehensible…” expressed his colleague, Loreto Aravena.

There the singer Rigeo also wrote to him: “Just to tell you that as a father I am with you… I think that an entire country is with you. I know there are no words for this strong moment. Much peace to your heart, much love for your family.”.

Another singer-songwriter who joined was Américo, who told him: “A lot of love and strength.”

The journalist Juan Manuel Astorga in X, did not want to be left behind. “The tragedy that claimed the life of the 6-year-old son of Mariana Denderián and Francisco Aravena demolishes your soul. AND It sinks you into sadness that Pancho is also hospitalized as a result of the fire. An extraordinary man, a very talented journalist and a great friend. “Very devastating”he stated.

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