The Ministry of Labor announced new rules for receiving benefits for children

by time news

They will be introduced before the end of 2021

Until the end of 2021, the procedure for providing benefits for low-income families with children from 3 to 7 years old, as well as for single parents of children aged 8 to 17 years, will change. Such a message was posted on its official Instagram by the Ministry of Labor. Now the period of pregnancy from the moment a woman is registered until the birth of a child will be considered a good reason for not receiving income. The zero income rule will not apply to pregnant women.

Previously, the main obstacle to receiving benefits was the so-called “zero income” rule. If at least one of the parents was unable to confirm the official income (salary, royalties, payment for work under a contract, scholarship, etc.) for the reporting period, then the chance to receive benefits also tended to zero. Even if the woman did not work due to pregnancy.

– I had such a severe toxicosis of pregnant women, the third stage, that I could not leave the apartment. I was treated for dehydration, – says Muscovite Svetlana Lapina. – Naturally, I could not work either. The strongest toxicosis both began in the first trimester and accompanied me throughout the pregnancy. I quit my job.

And after all, toxicosis, there are quite a few contraindications to work while waiting for a child. Edema, preeclampsia, high blood pressure, hormonal disruptions that affect the psyche and behavior of a woman.

A special risk group is a woman after an IVF procedure or carrying a multiple pregnancy. Doctors know that in such expectant mothers “the hormone plays” especially strongly. You can finally lose your job during a perfectly proceeding pregnancy. Although this is prohibited by law, unscrupulous employers still do not hesitate to get rid of employees who are preparing to become mothers. And there are still children of the same age, when the decree, in fact, has not ended, and the woman is expecting another child … Life is always wider and more varied than the dry letter of the law.

Therefore, it is likely that the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation initiated a change in the law, which was recently adopted, in April 2021. The changes will be officially introduced by the end of the year.

But there are no other concessions for poor families with children. In the same way, as before, a family applying for social child benefits must have an average per capita income below the subsistence level in the region. As before, the presence of expensive real estate or other valuable property, side income, and other third-party payments such as renting out apartments will be taken into account. And nobody canceled “zero income” at all. It was canceled only for pregnant women, from the moment a woman registers with the LCD and until the birth of a child.


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