The Ministry of Overseas Affairs labored to protect the Moroccan id of MREs and to strengthen the cultural ties that unite them to their homeland (minister)

by times news cr

2024-05-22 10:16:19

In his response to an oral query within the Home of Advisors, learn on his behalf by the Minister Delegate in control of Relations with Parliament, authorities spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, the minister burdened that the ministry’s technique in relation to the The query of preserving the hyperlink of members of the diaspora with the Moroccan id rests on a set of mechanisms, the primary of which consists of directing efforts in direction of the host international locations, and this, by persevering with to strengthen the expertise of the facilities Moroccan cultural heritage, like these of Canada, the Netherlands and France.

He famous, on this sense, that 55 cultural occasions have been organized, benefiting roughly 150,000 Moroccans residing in Canada, as a part of the implementation of the motion program of the cultural heart “Maison du Maroc” in Montreal, along with the implementation of a set of packages geared toward preserving Moroccan id within the totally different areas, such because the Home of Moroccan-Flemish Cultures in Brussels “Darna” and the Three Cultures Basis in Seville.

As for the second a part of the ministry’s work, it’s linked to the academic facet, by attaching nice significance to the educating of the Moroccan language and tradition, by the implementation of a particular program of educating the Arabic language and Moroccan tradition, below the supervision of the Hassan II Basis for MREs, added Mr. Bourita, indicating that just about 70,000 Moroccan college students in international academic institutions have benefited.

He burdened that the ministry contributes, in accordance with the excessive concern that His Majesty King Mohammed VI completely surrounds Moroccans residing overseas, to the trouble deployed by the Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs within the area of spiritual supervision which goals to guard members of the diaspora towards any deviant speech.

Mr. Bourita additionally recalled that a number of cultural boards and summer season universities for the advantage of younger MREs have been organized from July 22 to August 1, 2023 in Rabat, indicating that these occasions noticed the participation of 300 college students, aged between 18 and 25 years outdated, representing 31 host international locations.

As well as, the Hassan II Basis for MREs additionally organized cultural stays for the advantage of MRE kids, he added.

2024-05-22 10:16:19

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