The most effective guidelines to eliminate sleepiness behind the wheel

by time news

Data from the General Directorate of Traffic indicate that drowsiness causes between 15% and 30% of traffic accidents in Spain, either directly or indirectly.

Over the last few years, one of the focuses in which the automotive sector has made the most impact revolves around the implementation of technological systems to combat fatigue and sleep. For this reason, since July 2022 all registered vehicles incorporate a sleep detector. In this sense, there are many variants of driver assistance (ADAS) that exist.

On the one hand, there are the sensors on the steering wheel, which analyze parameters associated with the state of concentration of the driver, How can the pressure exerted when gripping the steering wheel be?, the movements of your hands or if constant or too abrupt corrections. On the other hand, some vehicles also include a camera that monitors the driver’s features, thus detecting blinking or if the eyes are closed for too long. Likewise, there are sensors that measure the time that the engine has been active, thus forcing it to stop and rest.

«Although it is in the first positions among the main reasons as the origin of an accident, how can speed be or distractions, the truth is that drowsiness is another of the great dangers behind the wheel. It does not warn, it arrives silently and, contrary to widespread belief, it does not only occur at night”, explains Jocelyne Bravo, Client and Digital Marketing Manager of Midas Spain.

«Without a doubt, prevention is the best solution. As a company focused on caring for motorists and their vehicles, at Midas we want to help recognize the first symptoms and carry out small habits to counteract them”, adds Bravo.

To prevent drowsiness at the wheel from taking over us and thus being able to avoid a possible accident, a series of guidelines can be followed.

First of all the experts recommend adjust the seat to be “uncomfortable”: one of the routines that can be put into practice involves the configuration of the seat. As a general rule, it is key to establish the correct position of the backrest, headrest and other elements to guarantee optimal posture and driving comfort. However, and especially in the case of long journeys, excess comfort (added to other factors) can favor the onset of sleep. In case you begin to notice some symptoms of drowsiness, it is advisable slightly change the position of the seat in search of a certain “discomfort” (always within limits) that helps us stay awake.

Chew gum can also help. Everyone knows that drinking drinks with natural stimulants such as coffee or tea, or not eating heavily before driving are common practices that help combat drowsiness. In addition to this, chewing gum is a little trick that allows you to counteract the symptoms of sleep, since it forces the brain to stay awake to continue moving the jaws. In addition, this way you will also reduce yawning.

Although “music tames beasts”, it can also become a great ally to combat sleepiness, especially if you travel alone. For this, it is key to bet on songs with a happy rhythm and, even, turn up the volume a little more to stay active. If you know the songs playing, feel free to hum or sing, but always without diverting attention of the road and driving. If you are with someone else in the vehicle, engaging in conversation will also serve as an anti-sleep “shield.”

Ventilate the passenger compartment and cooling the environment inside the car serves to oxygenate and, therefore, stay active. If you bet on the vehicle’s ventilation system, direct the airflow towards your face so that it “impacts” on the face and clears you. Another option is to lower the window, which fulfills the same function and also allows outside noise to enter. The latter can also serve to keep the brain going.

Finally, you have to avoid competing against sleep. If despite all these tips drowsiness takes over you, then it is best not to compete. On many occasions, overconfidence makes us think that we can resist and not fall asleep, or that, being aware that we are falling asleep, we increase speed to reach our destination as soon as possible. Both examples are serious errors that put their own safety and that of the rest of the travelers (whether they are from our vehicle or another) at risk. At this point, it’s best to take a break in a safe place and sleep for 20 to 30 minutes.

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