“The Nest of Ashes”, by Simon Falguières, between marvelous tale and fantastic epic

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Thirteen hours of shows, six intermissions, seventeen actors, two hundred costumes.

Between marvelous tale and fantastic epic, the Nest of Ashes leads its audience between two worlds: that of dream and that of reality.

Guest : Simon Falguières, author, actor, director for his show The nest of ashes.

With John Arnold, Clémence Bertho, Layla Boudjenah, Antonin Chalon, Mathilde Charbonneaux, Camille Constantin Da Silva, Frédéric Dockès, Élise Douyère, Anne Duverneuil, Charlie Fabert, Simon Falguières, Charly Fournier, Victoire Goupil, Pia Lagrange, Lorenzo Lefebvre, Charlaine Nezan , Stanislas Perrin, Manon Rey, Mathias Zakhar.

MicroTrottoir: Fanny Imbert. Spectator reactions during the intermissions!

The show will be on tour:

From 11 to 20 May 2023 in Nanterre – at Nanterre-Amandiers Theater

From June 3 to 4, 2023 in Toulouse – at City Theater – CDN Toulouse Occitanie.

The text “The Nest of Ashes”, by Simon Falguières, is published by Actes Sud-Papiers.

Report: Fanny Imbert on Olivier Py’s show, “My exalted youth”.

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