The new horror game “Saturnalia” is available for free as soon as it is released, and the EGS of Warhammer’s 40K masterpiece “Mechanicus” is free for a limited time | 4Gamers

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As soon as the new horror independent work “Saturnalia” is released, a one-week limited-time free event will be launched on the Epic Games Store, along with “Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus” from the Warhammer 40K series, as long as you log in to the EGS store to collect the game and you can save it permanently to Collection library.

Saturnalia is an indie horror exploration game developed for Santa Ragione, inspired primarily by the culture of the Italian kingdom of Sardinia. Players will take on the role of four characters and experience a storyline in an ancient village closely tied to its ghostly traditions. It is a well-designed maze in itself, with no repeating routes, players must explore with little guidance and solve the game’s mysteries.

Another limited-time free game from Epic Games is Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus, the well-received Warhammer 40K series in 2018, which focuses on the Adeptus Mechanicus camp.

The story of the game describes that the religious ship received a signal from the missing great sage Lasicek. In order to investigate the truth, the undead lord who had been sleeping in the tomb for a long time was accidentally awakened, and you must operate the bishop and the escort troops to stop the undead at all costs. lord.

The Epic Games Store this week’s limited free games “Saturnalia” and “Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus” will only be available until 23:00 on November 3rd, Taiwan time, and you can save them forever.

In addition, next week’s Epic Games will be giving away games “Filament” and “Rising Storm 2: Vietnam”.

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