The new Lamorgese-Salvini battle on the ius soli

by time news – It’s back clash between the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese and the leader of the League Matteo Salvini. At the center once again the theme of migrants and landings on the Italian coasts. But also the appeal launched in recent days by the president of Coni, Giovanni Malagò, who asked politics to accelerate on sporting ius soli. The starting point was of course the fantastic performance of many Italian athletes of foreign origins at the Tokyo Games. The spark was triggered today by the words spoken by the owner of the Viminale on the ius soli.

“When we see these guys from the Olympics who have honored our country, one thinks that Malagò’s words make sense. Politics will have to make its findings and I hope we arrive at a synthesis. These young people must feel they are an integral part of society “, Lamorgese says in an interview, regarding the proposal of the president of Coni on ius soli for sportsmen.

“Thanks to so many athletes who have honored Italy – he adds – when we see these guys who have brought honor to our country in fact what it has
said Manago ‘impetuously it is a problem that arises, we must not remember it only when they win, they are kids who grew up in Italy. It is a more general theme “.

Words that Salvini does not like at all, who immediately replies harshly: “Instead of raving about Ius Soli (Italy is the EU country that under current law allows more
citizenships), the Minister of the Interior should check who enters illegally, given the tens of thousands of landings organized by smugglers, without the Interior Ministry lifting a finger “.

But it doesn’t stop there. On social networks Salvini returns to attack the minister, again on the issue of migrants, but this time Lamorgese’s words on the controls on the green pass offer the controversy over there: “Lamorgese announces ‘random checks’ in bars and restaurants. How long we have to wait for ‘random checks’ also in ports and borders? “, urges the Northern League leader.


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