The next Overwatch 2 update continues the tradition of Nerfing Genji

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The next Overwatch 2 update continues the tradition of Nerfing Genji

Cyber ​​Genji is standing in a dark room.

“The dragon and I are nervous.” – Genji (maybe)
picture: Blizzard

Over the Halloween weekend, Blizzard announced a fivefold decrease in strength Monitor 2 Heroes of the Season 2 update previously planned for December.

B Official post about it Monitor 2 forumAnd Note and watch Community Manager Andy Belford has announced that five champions will receive lower rewards for their heroic tricks on November 15. The shortlist of daring heroes is toy poster child Genji, Russian powerhouse Zarya, off-brand Dorito-eat gremlin D.Va, sneaky girl Sombra, and furry wizard Kiriko.

Before these nerfs, it was Monitor 2 Male team, b October 13 blog post, that no character changes will be made until the second competitive season. In the post, Blizzard noted that while some champions perform better than others, “the overall strength level of one champion does not align with our goals.” The only exception at the time was Zarya’s new ability to choose where to place each of the particulate barriers, which the team said they would be watching closely for “potential changes next season”.

Read more: Monitor 2: Genji may be very well now, Blizzard Muses

However, it is now Monitor 2 no longer suffer DDoS attacks And Evil load timesso is Full set of characters can be playedBlizzard has decided to roll out some early cuts for the five aforementioned champions to bring “some tactical tweaks” to the game. These are the geeks who got these heroes:


  • Maximum ammo reduced from 30 to 24
  • Shuriken damage reduced from 29 to 27


  • Barrier duration reduced from 2.5 to 2 seconds
  • Barrier cooldown increased from 10 to 11 seconds


  • Fusion Cannon spread increased from 3.5 to 3.75
  • Boosters impact damage reduced from 25 to 15


  • Hack ability lockout duration reduced from 1.75 to 1.5 seconds
  • Hacked enemies are no longer valid targets for hacking for the duration of the effect
  • Hacked damage multiplier reduced from 40 to 25%

It’s there

  • Swift Step invulnerability duration reduced from 0.4 to 0.25 seconds

Overall, these nerfs aren’t detrimental to the way each of these heroes play, but it will make them a little less deadly in Overwatch 2’s 5v5 matches compared to how they’re playing now. So if you’re wanting to get some more W’s under your belt with these heroes before they get hit with Kryptonite, now’s the time.

Read More: Divide and Conquer: How to Effectively Handle Overwatch 2 Season 1 Challenges

Belford wrote: “Our current goal is to publish these changes in the next update on November 15, 2022. If this plan changes, we will make sure to update you here.” “For those who want a preview of how these changes are going, check out the Overwatch League Playoffs on October 30th.”

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