The offensive of life insurers to bring back savers

by time news

2023-10-08 19:08:06

From now on, insurers offer their clients to place 100% of their deposits in the euro fund. MAXPPP/PHOTOPQR/ALSACE

DECRYPTION – With the rise in rates, the return on euro funds pales in comparison to other investments. Companies are multiplying offers to relaunch collection.

Euro funds that earn little or nothing are about to become a distant memory. In recent months, attractive remuneration offers that we have not seen for ages have multiplied: yield bonuses of 1% to 2% on new payments; free entry or payment fees… Enough, in an inflationary environment, to bring the remuneration of new deposits to 4% or 5% gross on the best offers this year and next. But that’s not all: new contracts are also being launched at the moment – Corum Life, Ampli life insurance – promising attractive rates, around 4% (gross).

A small revolution for a savings product which yielded on average barely more than 1% two years ago. “Such offers were unimaginable eighteen or twenty-four months ago”confirms Jérôme Rusak, president of cabinet L&A Finance. You even have to go back fifteen years to see such attractive remuneration. The new environment…

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