The pasdarans are the key to the nuclear deal

by time news – Significant progress has been made in the last month to reach a new Iranian nuclear deal. This was announced by the delegate of the European Union Enrique Mora, at the end of meetings held both in Tehran and in Washington with representatives of the governments of Iran and the United States. However, knots remain to be solved in order to reach a white smoke, knots that require a pause for reflection on the parties to the future agreement. The first question is more closely linked to current events and concerns the Kremlin’s claim that the sanctions applied by the West against Russia have no repercussions on trade between Moscow and Tehran.

On this point, Russian Foreign Minister Sergej Lavrov has reached a substantial agreement that leaves ties between Moscow and Tehran intact. The second and thorniest issue concerns Tehran’s insistence on excluding the Guardians of the Revolution, the so-called Pasdaran, from the list of US terrorist organizations.

An inclusion wanted by the previous administration led by Donald Trump, with which the White House justified the assassination of the Pasdaran leader Qassem Suleimani and his deputy Muhandis in January 2020. The inclusion of the Pasdaran in the list of terrorist organizations is strongly supported as well as by the American Republican partyalso by the allies Saudi Arabia and Israel, who see the guardians of the revolution as a threat to their citizens.

In addition to internal forces and pressure from allies, Joe Biden’s administration must necessarily take into account the fact that a nuclear deal that does not include the pasdaran is practically impossible. They are the guardians of the Revolution who have the keys and security of Iranian plants in their hands. A signal to this effect came from the State Department spokesman, Ned Price, who recently recalled that the number of military attacks and actions by the Pasdaran increased by 400% between 2019 and 2020, that is to say in the period occurred between the unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear agreement decided by Trump, with the death of Soleimani in between.

The Biden administration may apologize for Soleimani’s assassinationwanted by Trump and occurred in violation of international law and promise to apply the principle of non-interference in Tehran’s internal affairs from now on and thus favor a regional deescalation that is not possible without Iran.

On the other hand, the repeated threats of revenge against the US from the new Pasdaran cadres, the always aggressive language of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, do not support an agreement and indeed increase the pressure of public opinion on Biden. Regional security, on which Israel and Riyadh insist, and the nuclear agreement are issues that the parties deal with separately, but inevitably linked to each other, as evidenced by the data recalled by Ned Price. Accelerating the nuclear agreement would have a strong impact on mutual trust between the players involved, it would favor a real and constructive dialogue and respect for rules and agreements, making the use of force and interference in internal affairs slide into the background.

Resolution 598 of the United Nations Security Council it provides the basis for a political security deal involving the two great enemies, Iran and Saudi Arabia and you really contrast terrorism, drug trafficking, smuggling and crime that continue to flourish and finance themselves with illicit activities in the Gulf area where tension and uncertainty reigns.

According to the resolution, the tension in the Gulf can be reduced through cooperation mechanisms that increase mutual trust between the parties and also concern military exercises, meetings between delegations, elimination of weapons of mass destruction from the territory and joint management of problems related to the organized crime and terrorism. Important objectives, to achieve which tones and rhetoric should be resized in the first place, avoiding adding fuel to the fire of social media and internal propaganda.

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