The payment of dividends in listed companies is close to 30,000 million, 19% more, according to BME

by time news

2023-12-27 09:48:17

Spanish Stock Exchanges and Markets (BME) has indicated in its annual market report that, just a few days before closing 2023, the payment of dividends will be around 30,000 million euros distributed in the year, which is equivalent to an increase of 19% compared to with last year and a value “already around the annual maximums that occurred at the beginning of the last decade.” The payment of dividends would thus once again rub shoulders with pre-pandemic figures, but still some distance from the historical maximum of 2014, when 43,000 million euros were paid to the shareholder.

The manager of the stock market has argued that only with the fifteen more payments that have already been reported by companies listed on the Spanish stock market between now and the end of the year for a global amount close to 2,055 million additional euros, we would be talking about a year-end. close to a dividend distribution of 30,000 million euros, according to Europa Press.

Likewise, the company has recalled in its yearbook that until November the volume of shareholder remuneration reached 27.5 billion, 18.8% more than in the same period of 2022, in addition to a streak of growth for the third consecutive year. Linked to the policy of rewarding shareholders and increasing the value of their shares, BME has focused on the fact that the available data indicates that throughout 2023 listed companies have continued to execute share buyback and subsequent amortization programs that complement the returns derived from investment in shares.

Thus, until November 2023, listed companies have maintained the trend of the previous year, redeeming shares for a market value of 11,823 million through 27 operations, which implies 7.3% more than in the same period of 2022.

BME has explained that this behavior is mainly due to the operations carried out by the Spanish banking sector, such as, for example, those carried out by CaixaBank, Banco Santander and BBVA, which together have amortized capital worth 4,687 million. For all this, BME has exemplified that if we add both remuneration items in the Spanish stock market (dividends and buybacks) we are talking about a year-end where remuneration will exceed 40,000 million euros, while the historical maximum dates 2014, when a total remuneration of 44,315 million euros was executed for both concepts.

BME has stated that the level of capitalization of the Spanish stock market is very close to the maximums reached in the last five years (1.2 trillion euros at the start of 2018), since, at the end of November, the total capitalization of the stock market reached 1.18 trillion euros, a value 14.64% higher than that registered in December 2022 and supported by the 11.65% increase in the capitalization of Spanish securities and a 19.21% increase in that of foreign companies listed on BME platforms.

The manager has pointed to the banking sector as one of the great architects of this progress: “In 2023 the banking sector has recovered its first place, almost historic, as a group of companies with the highest market value on the Spanish stock market after losing it in the year of the pandemic to the electricity and gas sector. In this way, BME records indicate that currently the financial sector capitalizes 189,775 million euros, which is almost 23% of the total value of listed Spanish companies, 7 points more than three years ago and 3 below before the great adjustment imposed by the financial crisis in 2012.

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