“The person who has been preparing the settlement since July is Feijóo, not Sánchez”

by time news

2024-02-20 21:17:56

The ‘popular’ are still celebrating for reaching the absolute majority after the Galician elections. Alfonso Rueda will be president of the Xunta for another four years after obtaining 40 deputies. Meanwhile, the Galician PSOE suffered an electoral debacle this 18F that caused it to lose several deputies and only won in five municipalities.

The socialists defended themselves by ensuring that they had voted in an autonomous manner. On the opposite side, the Popular Party assures that the “sanchista” model has come to an end. What’s more, for Feijóo, the Galicians have punished “the lies” and “division” of Sánchez’s PSOE and have rewarded “unity” and “truth.”

“Faced with an amalgam of lies, manipulation and confrontation,” Galicia chose at the polls on Sunday “honesty, moderation, unity and stability” of the PP. Both the leader of the PP and Alfonso Rueda have been received with ovations and applause upon their arrival at the party’s national headquarters on Génova Street.

The Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, wanted to give his own opinion after the elections and affirms that the person who has problems is the leader of the PP, despite having won the elections in Galicia, and not the leader of the PSOE, even though he lost.

“This week is not a particularly difficult week for the Government of Spain. If there is a leader of a political party who has been preparing the settlement since July, it is Mr. Feijóo, not Mr. Sánchez,” said Puente.

However, the leader of the PP has another point of view: “If they wanted the Galician elections to be a plebiscite on my leadership, there they have the result (…) There they have the resounding failure of the ‘Sanchista’ model,” he stated. Núñez Feijóo.

Election results in Galicia

Last Sunday in Galicia, the PP achieved its fifth consecutive absolute majority in Galicia. Elections that gave the PSOE the worst historical result.

Distribution of seats in the Galicia 2024 elections | Europa Press

Rueda won 40 seats in the regional elections. The BNG grew and went from six seats to 25. While the PSdeG-PSOE reaped its worst historical results, falling to nine seats in the Galician Parliament, in which Democracia Ourensana, the party of the mayor of Ourense, Gonzalo Pérez, will debut Jacome.

Neither Vox nor Sumar nor Podemos managed to enter the Xunta.

#person #preparing #settlement #July #Feijóo #Sánchez

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