The Potential of Azola in Agriculture: Introduction to Farmers by Amrita Agriculture College Students

by time news

2024-02-09 06:02:08

The final year students of Amrita Agriculture College introduced the potential of Azola to the farmers of Coimbatore Kondambatti Panchayat as part of the Rural Agriculture Experience Fair. The students said that the work experience fair helped to convince the farmers that the cultivation method of Azola, which has many advantages, is simple and that this was a pannel plant that was used to ensure availability of nitrogen in the paddies in the past.

Azolla can be used as organic fertilizer and feed for livestock, poultry and fish. Azola is also used as a fertilizer to increase nitrogen availability to plants. Azolla, a pannel plant that grows in fresh water, has the ability to absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere. Because of this ability, Azolla is used as fodder and in the process of making organic fertilizers such as vermicompost. Incorporating Azolla into pet feed can reduce feed costs by up to 20%. Moreover, the farmers were informed that milk production would increase by 15% to 20%.


It also has the characteristic of tripling within three days of cultivation. Azolla contains 25–30 percent flesh. It also contains 10–15 percent calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, and iron. Farmers are benefited as it can be grown in a very limited area at low cost and in a short time. Can be grown in terraces, paddocks, ponds and tanks.

Nitrogen is absorbed from the atmosphere by the anabaena azolla, which is found on top of the azolla. Egg hens reared in closed deep litter systems are deficient in many nutrients. To remedy this, farmers feed Azola along with chicken feed. This can also reduce the cost of feed. It is also a good way to get nutritious chicken eggs. Azolla is a good remedy when the availability of fodder for cattle is low. The students informed the farmers that Azola can increase milk production in cattle and improve the quality of milk. College Dean Dr. Sudheesh Manal and Agricultural Microbiology teacher Dr. The training program was led by M. Iniya Kumar.

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