The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom apologizes for his participation in the closure party

by time news

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Johnson admits that he attended a party held at his official residence at Downing 10 during the first closure in the kingdom and apologized to his citizens

Opposition in the UK calls for Boris Johnson to resign after apologizing for a party at his residence during the first closure. resign.

Johnson admitted to attending a party at 10 Downing Street on May 20, 2020, when corona laws restricted social gatherings to a minimum, and said he understands the anger the exposure caused. “I know the rage that is felt about the government I lead, when on Downing Street itself the rules are not properly enforced by the people who set the rules,” Johnson said.

Johnson, who won a landslide victory in the 2019 election with a promise to secure Britain’s exit from the EU, said he regretted the party, and thought the gathering was an event for work, things that made the opposition laugh.

“I went in there a little after six in the evening on May 20, 2020 to thank the employees, and returned to my office 25 minutes later to continue working,” he said. “In retrospect, I should have sent everyone back in.” Opposition Labor leader Wall Starmer said Johnson must now resign and that the public thinks he is a liar.

“The party is over, Prime Minister,” Starmer told him. “After months of fraud, the pathetic spectacle of a man who ran out of road, the claim that he did not realize he was at a party is so ridiculous that it actually hurts the British public.” Many people, including some lawmakers, described how the restrictions prevented them from getting to the bed of their dying loved ones last May, in contrast to the events on Downing Street, where they celebrated.

Johnson’s biographer Andrew Gimson said he was unlikely to retire unless dismissed by colleagues in parliament. “He’s looking for a way to get through this. He’s not the resigning guy,” Gimson said.

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