The Pros and Cons of Ice Bath Immersion: What You Need to Know

by time news

2024-02-20 15:09:31

Immersion in an ice bath has become a very popular practice in the last year / two years in Israel. And yet, I, an instructor of the Wim Hof ​​method, who conducts ice immersion workshops throughout Israel, in Tel Aviv and throughout the country, and clearly see how even one ice immersion changes the chemistry of the participants in my workshops, even I still encounter questions about “why do such a thing at all “?

So here is a list of pros and cons / risks of ice bath immersion.

Scientifically proven benefits of immersion in an ice bath:

  • Muscle recovery is much faster, after physical fitness training. Immersion in ice strengthens the muscles by strongly constricting the blood vessels. In other words: immersion in an ice bath is anti-inflammatory, and can also help in cases of chronic inflammation
  • Immersion in ice will strengthen your immune system: Immersion in ice can easily increase the production of cytokines and antioxidants found in our cells, thus improving the body’s defense against any external or internal infection. In other words: the white blood cells will increase drastically while you are soaking in an ice bath!
  • Decrease in chronic pain: Those who suffer from chronic pain, and regardless of the intensity of those pains or the specific location of those chronic pains, either way, those who suffer from chronic pain will benefit from the relief of the feeling of pain. You can find more information about this with a simple Google search “gateway theory of pain”.
  • Higher energy levels! Entering an ice bath will raise your energy levels to new heights, adrenaline and dopamine will jump high, and you will feel alive! What is beautiful is that even after leaving the ice you will remain at the same energy levels, you will continue to feel the same energy hours and hours after your ice immersion.
  • Activation of the vagus nerve: when we activate the vagus nerve we become more aware of the here and now, which makes us feel well-being and inner peace. You can say that an ice bath will simply lower your anxieties to much lower levels. This is a big and important advantage!
  • Improving metabolism and metabolism: there is no escaping it: when you enter an ice bath you actually lower your core temperature, what action does the body have to do? Warm himself up, and fast! How does the body warm itself? By burning calories – calories are burned, and you actually lose weight. Simple logic.
  • A longer and more detailed list ofYou will find the advantages and disadvantages of ice immersion here

    What are the disadvantages of ice immersion?

    There are also disadvantages to ice immersion, and here is a short list:

  • People with heart problems – they are not allowed to enter the ice! And if you have any doubts – just ask the guide (if he is a certified guide using the Wim Hof ​​method or any certified guide who holds a proper Israeli insurance certificate), or ask your attending physician
  • A powerful headache – migraine. Migraine sufferers – it is better for you not to visit the ice, and if you are already doing it – do it gradually and with a lot of attention to your body and mind.
  • Epilepsy / pregnant women, it is better not to go in for an ice bath.
  • Today you can find a lot of scientific studies, too Studies like this , who find real doubt about the question – is ice immersion really better than active recovery. It is important to know and understand the subject before physical immersion in ice.

    Photo credit FREEPIK

    #Breathing #ice #baths #benefits #risks

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