The proximity to the forest is good for the mental development of children

by time news

It’s also beneficial for mental health.

British scientists conducted a large-scale study and found that being in close proximity to the forest directly affects the mental and mental development of children. The more the guys spent time next to this natural object, the more successful the development processes were. Such conclusions were made as a result of long-term observation of more than three and a half thousand schoolchildren, who were from nine to fifteen years old. At the same time, it turned out that the proximity to rivers, lakes, meadows did not give a similar effect.

Scientists suggest that this effect of forests is due to the fact that during the growth and development of a child, the structure of neurons in his brain is similar to branched trees. It is possible that for this reason, children experience an unconscious sympathy for fractal (repeating) patterns on the branches, and this has a positive effect on creating stronger connections between neurons in the brain, Science Alert reports.


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