The red pirate who scares the top of the state, months ago detained for the same (Overview) – 2024-02-29 04:41:23

by times news cr

2024-02-29 04:41:23

He also wrote to Rumen Spetsov, after the head of the GDBOP announced that the mentally ill vagabond was sending the threats

A homeless schizophrenic has been scaring ministers, judge Vladislava Tsarigradska and even the head of the National Narcotics Agency Rumen Spetsov for ten days. This is his second streak, after he was arrested months ago for similar threats.

The man ventures under the alias of the Red Pirate. He is from Sliven, but performs in Sofia. He even has an address in the capital, but leads a nomadic lifestyle. He started with the threats after it became public knowledge that the murdered Martin Bojanov-Notariusa had intimidated Judge Tsarigradska. However, the homeless man was not limited to her, included as its targets and members of the government, including Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Maria Gabriel. He sent the threatening e-mails to the public e-mail addresses of the departments, which are available on their websites. From the specific handwriting of the man, it became clear that it was the same person.

In addition to public figures, he also sent bomb threats to schools. Following the changes of 2022, when there was a series of similar announcements, the immediate evacuation of institutions is no longer required if it is judged that there is no danger.

After the director of the GDBOP Chief Commissioner Yavor Serafimov announced the threats on Tuesday, the Red Pirate did not hold back and threatened one more person from the top of the state – the head of the NRA Rumen Spetsov.

It is not about criminal structures, but about a person who has his own position. Wanted. Soon to be discovered Serafimov explained to Nova TV.

The anti-mafia have difficulty in arresting the “pirate” because he is a vagabond and constantly moves. Sends the threats from computer clubs in different cities.

Judge Tsarigradska herself reported some of the threats to the deputies of the parliamentary committee investigating the activities of the murdered Martin Bojanov-Notary.

Tell Tsarigradska that if she doesn’t shut up, her husband and children will be with concrete feet at the bottom of some dam, the email message read. It was received by e-mail of the District Court in Pleven. The first threats there started coming in on February 19.

In the emails, the homeless man claimed that the judges were “uneducated” and “corrupt peasants” and that certain organs of their body would be gutted. We want the mayors in prison, I will not return to Bulgaria to work, We are outside the law, the law says death for you, it was also written in the letters. They came from three different emails.

The threats are already over 50. They also came to the official mail of the District Court – Pleven. No specific names of judges are mentioned, Vladislava Tsarigradska, who made headlines in the last month, is more often mentioned.

Signals have already been sent to the GDBOP in Sofia, and all institutions have been contacted.

These are the official court emails, this is where we receive all letters and documents. It interferes with our worksaid the head of the District Court in Pleven, Judge Vesela Sahatchieva, on Tuesday. This happens for the first time and we are worried, every day, even on weekends, and in the middle of the end of the working day, it does not stop for a week anymoreshe added to BBC.

The Sofia District Prosecutor’s Office also received email threats. They were to prosecutors and an investigator.

They came to the official email and were about murders. The prosecution assigned the GDBOP to investigate the case. Unofficially, they are also rumored to be from the Red Pirate.

He is not the first mentally challenged person to make threats to public figures via email. In 2021, a series of threats to the head of the parliament at the time, Iva Miteva, were received at the mail of the Ministry of Justice. I have a gun and I will kill the head of the parliament, the threat read. Because of this, the NSO strengthened Miteva’s security. Before the authorities could find him, the man threatened by e-mail that he would also kill former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. The author of the threats turned out to be 26-year-old Lyubomir Yakov from the village of Krasnovo, Hisarya municipality. He wrote the emails from the local computer club because he was unhappy that he was unemployed and of low social status. After being detained, he was released from court under house arrest. He did not show up for his second trial because he had no money and walked to the village of Krasnovo to lock himself at home. He was sentenced to probation.

And he, like the Red Pirate, did not stop, and a year later he was arrested again for another batch of mail. This time to schools where he claimed to have assembled bombs. Again he sent them from the computer club in the village. This time, however, Yakov effectively received 7 months in prison after agreeing with the prosecution.

Boyko Borisov is the politician who most often receives such threats. The former mayor of Sofia has been threatened both on his personal Facebook profile through comments under his posts and in various groups.

“Boyko, I will meet you with this rifle”, read the last threat while the GERB leader was prime minister. It was sent by Teodor Nikolov from Varna. In the shot, he was holding an air rifle, one of his slippers could be seen torn at the toe. The man was arrested and charged with threatening to kill. In most threats to Borissov, the authorities found that the authors had no intention of killing him, but were simply writing on Facebook for popularity. What the authors of the posts have in common is that they are of low social status.

In one of the cases, an unemployed CSKA fan was summoned to the police because of a post against Borisov.

Borisov, your time is coming to an end, the time of popular love with rifles and guns is comingVasil Kotsev had written.

The man told in a post on Facebook about his visit to GDBOP. After the public scandal, the then prime minister called him to apologize. He pointed out that citizens should not be pressured. Such techniques were to remain in the time of communism.

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