The report called the pharmaceutical industry a “criminal organization”.

by time news

Pharmaceutical Industry Described as “Criminal Group” in New Report

Published on: August⁢ 8, 2024, 4:17 PM

The American Civil Society Organization Citizen, a non-profit group with 500,000 followers and funders, released a megareport labeling the pharmaceutical industry a “criminal group.” The report details extensive evidence of health damage, corruption, and illegal drug promotion by major pharmaceutical companies.

The report highlights that​ the pharmaceutical industry⁢ has caused​ 31 years of health damage in pursuit of economic benefits. Despite this,​ financial sanctions against the industry remain relatively small, representing​ only a fraction of their net income.

The document also notes that ⁣financial‍ transactions often involve a practice ⁢of “pay and be silent,” where companies avoid⁤ admitting guilt in exchange ‍for financial penalties.

Key findings of the report:

Illegal drug promotion: Evidence of widespread illegal promotion of pharmaceuticals and other medical products.
Purdue⁤ Pharma: The report cites the opioid crisis as a prime example of corporate wrongdoing, pointing to a $5.5 ‌billion settlement with‍ the company​ in 2020.
* Financial sanctions: The top 35 pharmaceutical companies have paid $1.9 trillion in⁤ sanctions over the past 31 years, ⁢but this ⁤represents only a small percentage of their overall profits.

The report concludes by urging increased accountability and regulation of the pharmaceutical industry, emphasizing the need ⁢for​ greater transparency and responsibility for their actions.

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