the requirements to access the republican elite police that unleashed barbarism in Spain

by time news

Three assault guards pose simulating fighting in Barcelona, ​​during 1936 ABC

Civil war

The group, promoted by the Popular Front after its creation in 1932, was the forerunner of the current police intervention units

Manuel P. Villatoro

The birth of the second republic April 14, 1931 did not bring with it a Spain of rainbows and social peace. A few weeks later, on May 11, anticlerical brutality was unleashed in Madrid.

Churches burned, convents smoked, and clergymen’s heads rolled. Although politicians like the acting president, Niceto Alcala Zamorabranded everything a nice cardboard revolution orchestrated by kids from the most reactionary left, the truth is that that madness revealed something worrying: the impossibility of the institutions and their armed wing, the police,…

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