“The risk of a flash in the pan for a General President” (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-10-03 10:36:41

“The risk of a flash in the pan for a General President” Benjamin Evine Binet

October 3, 2023

There is no need to recall the context of the takeover of power by the military on August 30, 2023 in Gabon.

Ali Bongo Ondimba and the state party, PDG, were removed from power 23 minutes after the proclamation of the first general elections ever organized by the country. For Oligui Nguéma, “ the defense and security forces of our country took their responsibilities by refusing the electoral coup which had just been declared by the Gabonese Elections Center following an outrageously biased electoral process “, he said in his swearing-in speech on September 4.

For the second time in its history, a President of the Republic was deposed by the army (Léon Mba Minko 1964). For the second time in its history, the army took its responsibilities in the face of a President in deep disagreement with the political class on questions of democratic governance.

For the third time in Gabon ”the great mute” comes out of his gongs as a sign of being fed up with a system held responsible for ”national poverty”(January 2019, Kélly Ondo Obiang and a handful of his young brothers in arms try to rewrite history).

This time, on August 30, 2023, more than a trial attempt, the great mute executed a masterstroke.

So what ?

And then, the people are in heaven, there are scenes of popular jubilation. Joy is spontaneous and collective. The jubilation is of all generations and all social strata. it’s like in the early hours of AUGUST 17, 1960, when the late Léon Mba declared the country independent.

The soldiers, formerly torturers of the people in the pay of the regime in place, are, this time, rectifiers of tors. General Oligui Nguéma and his men made a choice with great meaning and consequences. A choice at the risk of their lives. They deserve to be celebrated in every logical way possible.

So what ?

And so, they did what had to be done (this is our rise towards happiness), the other way of saying Gabon first). But !!

How far will the General President go?

For General Oligui Nguéma, the end of the Bongo regime is nothing less than “ a coup to liberate Gabon “. He says it again and again to all visitors to the Renovation Palace. Just as he solemnly promised to hand over power to civilians, at the end of the transition period which will result in free, credible and transparent elections.

Since the day after the ouster of Ali Bongo and company from power, since the announcement of the hunt for “budget eaters of the Republic”, we have the feeling of living in a country where the demand for social rights is the most shared thing and it is not wrong to say that.

The discontent is in all the news, in all sectors and in all social sectors, except the army, of course. It is the expression of a wind of freedom. A freedom sequestered by force and economic blackmail, a freedom muzzled by employers deaf to social demands and more inclined to profit.

The General President is personally questioned and invited to apply the magic formula.

He is the man for the job, he is the hope of the new Gabon and that is where this popular euphoria comes from.

So what ?

And then we legitimately wonder. How far will man go? Will he turn around? Will he make the right of the strongest, as under other skies? Doubts remain in the minds of many Gabonese people, national and international observers of Gabonese political life.

There are some who are for the General President to stay where he is, until ”excuse me” (with the risk of being weighed at the slightest opportunity), there are those who believe that the man has done the dirty work and honor and dignity return to him, better for him to withdraw when the time comes.

They believe that the soldier must know how to stop at the end of his mission.

On the other hand, many think that the General could let himself be lulled by the irresistible ”drug of power”. Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma could thus swap his military combat outfit with the politician’s suit and tie. And then, there are some who think that men should take a break at the end of the transition.

So what ?

And then, he would hand over power to civilians, carve out a position suited to him at the United Nations, giving civilians time to stuff the people with political promises (one or two mandates) and return as the good savior that he is. It will, at this moment again, be unanimous, but through the vote of the ballot box.

So what ?

And then, the man will enter politics through the front door, and then he will inscribe his name in golden letters in the very selective register of true African democrats. And then, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma will break the Indian sign, (that of the African generals who fell the Heads of State who, in their turn, persist in power). And then, he will be the pride of men in uniform, of all Gabonese and all Africans.

In any case, as Mahatma Gandhi said, ” Everyone is right from their point of view, but it is not impossible that everyone is wrong.”. Let us not forget that cases of soldiers having succeeded in politics, without having taken a step back, are as rare as the taste of a great victory!


#risk #flash #pan #General #President #Gabonews

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