The Russians increased spending on checking the heart and blood vessels against the backdrop of post-COVID – RBC

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Coronavirus pandemic ,


Russians increased spending on ECG by 13% amid complaints of post-COVID syndrome

The increase in spending on the diagnosis of the heart and blood vessels occurs against the background of the manifestation of the post-COVID syndrome in Russians. According to VTsIOM, almost 80% of Russians who recovered from coronavirus encountered it.

The spending of Russians on medical studies of the heart and blood vessels in private clinics increased markedly in January 2022 compared to January a year earlier, follows from the data (available to RBC) of the analytical resource “Check Index” of the OFD Platform company.

Average check

  • for electrocardiography (ECG) increased by 13%, to 696 rubles,
  • for electroencephalography (EEG) – by 24%, up to 1830 rubles,
  • on vascular ultrasound – by 61%, up to 2594 rubles,
  • on ultrasound of the heart – by 9%, up to 1439 rubles.

In monetary terms, the volume of sales of these medical services in private clinics also increased in January: ECG – by 25%, EEG – by 32%, ultrasound of blood vessels – by 36%, ultrasound of the heart – by 14%.

Virologists estimate the likelihood of a “super strain” of coronavirus

The volume of sales of wrist heart rate monitors increased noticeably last month, five times. At the same time, the average check did not increase very much – by 3%, to 2390 rubles. The volume of sales of pulse oximeters (a device for measuring the level of blood oxygen saturation) also increased by 30%, but the average bill for them decreased by 14%, to 2561 rubles.

The demand for medical diagnostics of the heart and blood vessels has grown against the backdrop of post-COVID manifestations in Russians, says Alexei Barov, CEO of the OFD Platform.

“In the top sales in terms of purchases are services for ultrasound of the heart and ECG (for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases), and in terms of demand dynamics, encephalography is performed to identify the causes of headaches, panic attacks, fainting and other brain dysfunctions,” — the company’s CEO said, adding that increased competition is driving more affordable vital sign gadgets to the market.

Read on RBC Pro


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Source: JHU, Federal and Regional Virus Control Headquarters

The most common manifestations of a post-COVID symptom are weakness, memory impairment and confusion, an infectious disease specialist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Malyshev told RBC, noting that symptoms can be “practically any.” This syndrome can last up to three months.

The problem of thrombus formation and coagulation disorders is one of the main ones in post-coagulant syndrome, since the virus attacks the endothelium – the cells lining the vascular system, which leads to the formation of blood clots, Professor of Virology, Head of the Laboratory of Especially Dangerous Infections of the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine, noted in an interview with RBC Alexander Chepurnov.

Herd immunity to COVID-19 fell below 60% in Russia

Photo: Alexey Sukhorukov / RIA Novosti

79% of those who recovered from coronavirus experienced post-covid syndrome, according to the results of a study by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM). Among those who discovered such a syndrome, 49% noticed a violation of taste and smell, 38% – general weakness.

80% of those faced with post-COVID syndrome did nothing in connection with this, 20% decided to undergo rehabilitation. Of those who did it, 64% took medication, 54% walked, 42% did breathing exercises, 41% joined physiotherapy exercises; every fifth person went for a medical examination with symptoms of post-COVID syndrome.

How the number of hospitalizations with coronavirus in Russia is changing

The number of hospitalized and diagnosed cases per day.

The operational headquarters began to give open regular statistics on hospitalizations from January 20, 2022

Source: Federal Coronavirus Control Headquarters

Data for Russia i

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