The Senegalese Minister of Native Authorities praises the standard of the “historic” relations present between his nation and Morocco

by times news cr

2024-05-24 05:11:32

“The historic relations between Morocco and Senegal have been cast via very historic business exchanges and faith,” and likewise because of the bonds of fraternity and solidarity between the 2 peoples, stated the minister, who spoke in the course of the Senegalese-Moroccan Convention on Decentralization, held underneath the sponsorship of Head of State Macky Sall and by which a powerful Moroccan delegation takes half.

These relations “have been strongly consolidated” via a “dynamic cooperation carried by the 2 States” having convergences of views on all of the questions which have an effect on the financial and cultural points, but in addition these referring to peace and the brand new balances earlier than present developments on the earth, added the Senegalese official.

The minister famous that “this dynamic between the 2 international locations extends increasingly on the native stage, thus opening the bases for strengthening decentralized South-South cooperation”, noting that the governments of the 2 brotherly international locations “have been in a position to perpetuate these relations via exemplary bilateral and diplomatic cooperation.

Mr. Fada referred to as, on this regard, to make common the holding alternately in Morocco and Senegal of conferences between Moroccan and Senegalese elected officers, stressing that the initiative of the Moroccan Affiliation of Presidents of Communal Councils (AMPCC) and the Affiliation of Mayors of Senegal (AMS), is “a superb initiative” to strengthen bilateral relations.

“These conferences will supply an area for trade and collective reflection seemingly to enhance our instruments and our decentralization insurance policies,” continued the Senegalese minister, noting that this is the reason these conferences aroused the curiosity of so many elected officers. than the governments of the 2 international locations.

Participating in these Conferences is a big Moroccan delegation, led by the Governor accountable for the Cooperation and Documentation Pole on the Basic Directorate of Territorial Communities (DGCT), Mr. Abdelouahhab El Jabri, and which notably contains the president of the Moroccan Affiliation of Presidents of Municipal Councils (AMPCC), Mounir Laymouri, Mayor of the town of Tangier, representatives of the DGCT, the INDH, the FEC and the CDG, in addition to presidents of various municipalities within the Kingdom.

The work of the Senegalese-Moroccan Decentralization Convention continues till Wednesday.

2024-05-24 05:11:32

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