The Sepe fine for the unemployed who receive aid that does not belong to them

by time news

2023-11-10 09:44:31

Friday, November 10, 2023, 00:01 | Updated 08:44h.


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It is not uncommon for a person to receive unemployment benefits when they no longer have the right, due to some reason for suspension, termination or review of the benefit. For example, when that worker finds a new job or moves abroad.

Sometimes it simply happens due to an error by the State Public Employment Service (SEPE). In these cases, the amounts improperly received must be returned in a timely manner.

The SEPE communicates these situations and gives a deadline to refund that money of 30 days from the resolution of the improper charge. After that period has passed without it having been returned, it will issue a certification of overdraft that begins the enforcement process, which, according to the public entity, “has a 20% surcharge” on the amount improperly collected.

If it is not possible to repay it on time, you can request a deferral or installment of the debt. Of course, its approval “will entail the application of the corresponding late payment interest.”

In the event that the person does not reimburse that money and is later a beneficiary of unemployment benefits, the SEPE will compensate for the undue payment with the benefit, regardless of whether the deferral or installment has been granted.

Sometimes unemployment is received improperly for reasons beyond the control of the beneficiary. For example, when the company reinstates after a court ruling a worker whom it has previously dismissed. Said company is obliged to pay the wages that the employee has stopped receiving from the date of dismissal until notification of the reinstatement ruling.

If during that time the worker has been receiving unemployment benefits, these amounts will be considered improper. In this case, it will be the company that will have to deposit that money into the SEPE, and will subtract it from the wages not collected from the worker.

Forms of communication with the SEPE

There are three ways for people who no longer have the right to collect unemployment benefits to inform the SEPE of their withdrawal from the benefit. Through the internet in web of the public entity if you have a digital certificate, electronic DNI, or cl@ve username and password.

Another option is to call the citizen service number (060). Finally, you can also go to the corresponding employment office. Of course, upon requesting an appointment on the website.

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#Sepe #fine #unemployed #receive #aid #belong

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