The Sharp Increase in Gender Dysphoria Cases Among Children and Young People

by time news

Title: Sharp Increase in Children and Young People with Gender Dysphoria Raises Concerns

Published: 2023-08-19 18:54

The number of children and young people seeking medical care for gender dysphoria has seen a significant surge in the past decade, according to the National Board of Health and Welfare. This increase has prompted widespread concern, as experts are unable to pinpoint the specific reasons behind the rise.

Associate Professor Kyriaki Kosidou, a psychiatrist and researcher at the Karolinska Institutet, suggests that the higher awareness surrounding gender dysphoria and the presence of several specialized care units may have contributed to the increase. These units are dedicated to investigating and treating gender dysphoria, offering support to those who identify with a gender different from their assigned sex at birth.

Gender dysphoria is a condition that entails intense suffering, as individuals often feel they are trapped in the wrong body. While symptoms may vary, many patients report experiencing distress and emotional turmoil. Regrettably, this growing demand for care has led to prolonged waiting times, resulting in tragic consequences such as the story of Molly, a 14-year-old who took her own life while waiting for assistance.

Research has also revealed a correlation between gender dysphoria and various neuropsychiatric disabilities like autism or ADHD. Additionally, these individuals tend to exhibit a higher prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses, including depression and anxiety, further emphasizing the need for specialized care and support.

To shed light on the situation, researchers from Uppsala University, in collaboration with Kyriaki Kosidou and the Karolinska Institute, are conducting a study to monitor psychiatric diagnoses in children undergoing hormone and puberty blocker treatments. The study aims to investigate whether these diagnoses change following treatment.

Notably, the largest increase in gender dysphoria cases in Sweden is observed among individuals registered as female at birth. The reasons behind this disproportionate rise are unclear, as there is limited research on the subject. It is speculated that this group may have previously gone unnoticed in healthcare settings, potentially due to a greater ability to blend into society compared to those assigned male at birth.

According to a survey conducted by Kyriaki Kosidou in 2014, approximately 1 percent of young adults in Stockholm County expressed thoughts of undergoing gender-affirming care to some extent. This figure surpassed expectations, suggesting that the number of individuals experiencing gender dysphoria may be higher than previously believed. However, it is essential to note that not all individuals who identify as a different gender seek medical assistance.

The increase in the number of children and young people seeking care for gender dysphoria underscores the urgent need for improved access to specialized services and mental health support. Efforts to increase awareness, along with comprehensive research, are crucial in understanding and addressing this complex issue, ultimately improving the well-being and lives of those affected by gender dysphoria.

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