The signal with which the DGT allows driving at 150 kilometers per hour legally

by time news

2023-07-11 12:55:15

Skip the Speed ​​limits usually entails fines for those drivers who decide to exceed what is stipulated by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) in the different points of the Spanish highways. This regulation states that the maximum generic speed for passenger cars and motorcycles on highways and dual carriageways is 120 km/h; on secondary roads, 90 km/h; on urban roads with a single lane, 30 km/h, on roads with two or more lanes in each direction, 50 km/h.

However, although the usual thing is that no vehicle can exceed these limits when driving, the truth is that there are some exceptions. In fact, there is a distinction that allows to circulate above 120 km/hbeing able reach up to 150 km/h on highways and dual carriageways: the V12 signal.

But what is the V12 signal and why does it allow some vehicles to use it to exceed these speed limits?

The sign that allows you to reach 150 km/h on the road

The V12 signal is a permit that is issued to vehicles performing special tests or research trials. In many cases, these experience the operation of the elements in new models that are about to go on the market.

This accreditation allows them to reach speeds of up to 150 km/h on the open road without being fined. This is specified in article 47 of the General Vehicle Regulations, where this exception is included to exceed in 30 kilometers per hour established maximum speeds.

According to the regulations, the sign must settle twice in those cars that are carrying out said tests and their use will have to be approved by the DGT itself. In addition, no one may get behind the wheel of this vehicle: all drivers of vehicles displaying this sign must be accredited by the Traffic Agency.

The V-12 signal, which allows driving at up to 150 kilometers per hour

The limitations of the V12 signal, according to the DGT

However, the V12 signal also has limitations. And it is that, as specified in the regulations, a vehicle with these characteristics may exceed the permitted speed by up to 30 km/h, but this exception will have to be approved with a minimum of 72 hours. In addition, you can only do so when the road has previously been closed to general traffic.

These tests may not be carried out on urban roads, crossroads or on sections where there is specific signage that limits speed.

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