the situation is critical and the images are apocalyptic

by times news cr

2024-04-08 05:41:14

The official also proposed to “temporarily ban the sale of alcohol in the flooded areas of Orsk.”

The Orenburg region’s only oil refinery, Orsknefteorgsintez, has reportedly shut down operations to prevent an ecological disaster.

The minister announced that all schools in Orsk have switched to distance learning. The rescuers also started the preventive evacuation of the residents of 10 settlements in the Kurgan region, where on April 5. a high level of readiness was announced.

“A critical situation has arisen in the city of Orsk” in the southern Urals, near the border with Kazakhstan, A. Kurenkov said while visiting 200,000 people. in a populous city.

More than 4,500 homes were flooded and more than 4,000 people were evacuated from Orsk to temporary accommodation centers, he said. In pictures shared via the messaging app Telegram, the minister is seen in a small boat surrounded by members of the rescue services.

Due to the rains, a dam burst in the city of Orsk in the Orenburg Region on Friday evening. As “Ukrainska Pravda” reports, the second dam burst on Sunday.

Due to the 2014 after the dam was built, the authorities filed a criminal case for “negligence and violation of construction safety regulations”.

They warned of dangerous water levels in the Ural River in the main city of Orenburg.

The situation has been declared a “federal emergency”, reinforcements have been sent to the region and additional funds have been allocated to deal with the emergency.

The melting ice at this time of year made the situation even worse.

The dam was built to regulate the 5.5 m water level in the Ural River, but it rose to nine meters.

The mayor of Orenburg, Sergei Salmin, warned the city of half a million people that they too may be forced to evacuate their homes.

“The situation remains critical. The water is coming and its level will only rise in the coming days,” S. Salminas wrote on the Telegram social network, adding that the water level has risen by 28 centimeters since the previous day.

Meteorological services believe it will reach its maximum level on Wednesday.

Neighboring Kazakhstan was also affected by the floods, whose president Kasymas Zomartas Tokayev declared that it was one of the biggest natural disasters in the country in 80 years.

Several regions of the Urals and Western Siberia have been affected by floods since the beginning of spring.

2024-04-08 05:41:14

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