The skin, mirror of our emotions

by time news

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Go pale when we are afraid, blush when we are stressed, feel itchy when we are upset… The skin reflects our emotions. Some strong emotions, traumas can also result in dermatological problems: eczema, psoriasis, cold sores, acne, etc. This reactivity of the skin can create a vicious circle: dermatological problems are thus the result of stress, but they can also have repercussions on the mental state of patients.

  • Pr Laurent Misery, head of the dermatology department at Brest University Hospital and director of the Brest Neurosciences Laboratory. President of the French Psychodermatology Group and of the European Psychodermatology Task Force, author of Your skin has things to tell youpublished by Larousse.
  • Pr Fatimata LySenegalese dermatologist and venerologist, professor at the Cheikh-Anta-Diop University of Dakar, head doctor of the dermatology department of the Institute of Social Hygiene of Dakar, national coordinator of the International Network on Psoriasis as well as of the Psoriasis Group West African, author of Modern dermatology and alternative medicine, treating Ndoxum siti in Senegal (The Harmattan).
  • Report by Raphaelle Constant in Chad.

At the end of the program, we talk about the nasal vaccine project against Covid-19 with Camille LochtInserm research director at the Institut Pasteur de Lille.

This show is a rerun.

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