The spokesman for the family of Daniel Sancho, after the request for the death penalty: “They are dejected”

by time news

2023-08-16 20:45:09

After the press conference of the Thai police and the request for the death penalty for Daniel Sancho, there are many questions that are still in the air. The Spaniard, in the presence of his lawyer, has been questioned by the Thai police for two and a half hours.

‘Cuatro al día’ has spoken live with Ramón Chippirrás, spokesman for the family of Daniel Sanchoto talk about how the family is after the latest events in Thailand, especially that request for the death penalty.

“continue totally slaughtered how can it be otherwise because there is a lot of things they don’t understand. In this sense, as any father or mother can be when their child is being immersed in an event like the one we have and in a country that is not Spain and is a country like Thailand, “says the spokesman.

Daniel is aware of everything, he is fully informed by the Thai lawyer assisting him who is in communication with him and his parents. Daniel spent a few days where he had a low mood as is normal and now we are working on that attempt to recover Daniel, that he be as calm as possible and, from there, the lawyer prepares the defense based on Thai jurisdiction ”, comments Ramón Chippirrás live on ‘Cuatro al día’.


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