the stars of the Seine

by time news

2023-04-19 21:51:25

Muriel, in Nicolas Philibert’s documentary. LOZENGE FILMS

CRITICAL – Nicolas Philibert follows the patients of a psychiatric day center installed on a boat moored in the heart of the capital. A luminous documentary, awarded with a golden bear in Berlin.

“You’ve got some hell of stars here, better than movie actors.” It’s Pascal laughing and suddenly getting serious: “They say it’s medical, but they are actors without knowing it.” Pascal is one of the patients received on the Adamant, a day center moored on the Seine at the foot of the Charles-de-Gaulle bridge. He didn’t shave this morning and it bothers him a bit to be filmed.

Frédéric, he is always dressed to the nines, open shirt and dandy style jacket from the seventies. He thinks he and his brother are the reincarnation of Vincent and Theo Van Gogh. In the morning, we see him arriving from afar on the quays with his portfolio of drawings under his arm.

Muriel, she is the funny one of the band. Curious about everything and piquant, she presents her drawing which she has entitled La Vie, l’Amour, la Mort. We guess a praying mantis decked out in a bow tie. The insect put on its thirty-one to invite a male to dinner and then devour it. Someone asks him: “Why didn’t you…

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