the State is struggling to recover the sums owed

by time news

2024-03-14 08:47:12

Fraudsters who are better spotted, but still just as clever at not paying their dues. In 2023, the adjustments made in the fight against hidden work – known as “black work” – reached a record: 1.177 billion euros, according to a report presented, Wednesday March 13, by Bercy and Urssaf. This sum corresponds to the social security contributions claimed from employers and self-employed people, to which are added financial sanctions. But only a very small part of the amounts in question is recovered.

The number, “historical”adjustments, had been revealed by Gabriel Attal, during a trip to the Vosges, on March 1st. “It’s 50% more [qu’en 2022]. This is twice as much as in 2017. And it is the first time that we have crossed the billion euro mark”, rejoiced the head of government. In passing, he emphasized, with a hint of self-satisfaction, that these “unprecedented results” were the fruit of a vast ” strategy “, implemented in spring 2023, when he was Minister for Public Accounts, in order to track down those who cheat the tax authorities, Urssaf, social protection organizations and the customs administration.

His successor at Bercy, Thomas Cazenave, provided additional information on Wednesday. The increase in the sums demanded from those who camouflage all or part of their activity, is the consequence of an increase in ” means “ released by public authorities, particularly on a human level. In 2023, “one hundred and sixteen more agents” were assigned to “control functions”through recruitment and “staff redeployments” within Urssaf, according to the Minister for Public Accounts.

Multiple shapes

Hidden work was better understood in 2023, also thanks to the increased use of “data mining”, that is to say the collection of enormous volumes of data targeted on companies which have “problematic behaviors”. The law has, moreover, strengthened the powers of Urssaf inspectors, by offering them the ability to conduct “cyber investigations under pseudonym”. And even more attention was paid to “high-stakes fraud”where the “risks are highest”according to Mr. Cazenave: foreign employees employed in France under the secondment regime, employees of digital platforms or even sectors where undeclared activity is “historically” widespread (building in particular).

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