The strange object discovered in the Milky Way – Corriere TV

by time news

2022-01-27 13:29:50

Spotted by Australian student, scientists: ‘Never seen anything like it’

An Australian university student has identified a mysterious object with a telescope in the Milky Way, 4000 light years away. Releases a giant 60-second explosion every 18 minutes, about three times in an hour. It hasn’t been identified yet. A team of Australian scientists are trying to figure out more about it, but they claim it’s a something never seen before. Objects turning on and off in the Universe aren’t new to astronomers, they call them “transients.” The first hypotheses speak of a neutron star or a white dwarf, but something that lights up for a minute has been described as “very strange”.

January 27, 2022 – Updated January 27, 2022, 11:31 am


#strange #object #discovered #Milky #Corriere

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