The superfood that reduces the risk of heart attack and helps you live longer

by time news

Spain is one of the countries in the world with the longest life expectancy, and that has a lot to do with the diet of its inhabitants. Specifically, the gastronomy of Spain includes some very healthy ingredients, among which the high consumption of olive oil.

Olive oil properties

Olive oil is a highly nutritious fat of vegetable origin, with notable anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cardioprotective properties. This is highlighted on its web portal by the Spanish Heart Foundation, which also stresses that all these beneficial effects are backed by scientific evidence.

For example, the entity cites a study carried out on animal models (mice) in which the use of olive oil compared to sunflower oil reduced blood levels of acute phase proteins, related to inflammatory processes, oxidative stress situations, blood coagulation problems and cardiovascular risk.

To a large extent, exposes the FEC, the positive health effects of olive oil are due to its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid) and polyunsaturated (linoleic acid).

Thanks to these particularities, it is known that olive oil raises blood levels of HDL cholesterol (the ‘good’ cholesterol), lowers LDL-c cholesterol (bad cholesterol), benefits the control of arterial hypertension, reduces the appearance of thrombosis and prevents the appearance of diabetes.

How much olive oil should be taken each day?

Even so, it is important to remember that in certain conditions the consumption of olive oil should be moderated, following in any case the recommendations of a professional. In healthy people, they should not exceed between three and six servingsbut people with pathologies such as obesity should consume smaller amounts.

Harvard doctors discuss the best anti-inflammatory foods.

A good way to secure these olive oil consumption It is using it for cooking, which also makes it easier for us to replace other less healthy fats with it.

In fact, olive oil is particularly appropriate in this sense, since unlike other fats it maintains its beneficial properties even at high temperatures.


Spanish Heart Foundation. benefits of olive oil: new data (2022). Viewed online at on 04/12/2023.

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