The Supreme Court dismisses the appeals of two convicts in the ERE case who asked that the reform of the crime of embezzlement be applied to them as more favorable

by time news

2023-12-14 13:30:00
The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court has dismissed the appeals raised by the former Minister of Economy of the Junta de Andalucía Carmen MA and the former general director of the IDEA agency (Innovation and Development of Andalusia) Miguel Ángel SA against the decision of the Seville Court of not reviewing their sentences for the ‘ERE case’ after the reform of the crime of embezzlement by Law 14/2022, of December 22, considering that it is not more favorable for them. Both were sentenced in the ‘ERE case’ for the crime of prevarication, in a medial competition with the crime of aggravated embezzlement, to 6 years and 2 days in prison, the first, and 6 years and 6 months, the second, penalties established by the Court of Seville and confirmed by the Supreme Court. After the entrance…
#Supreme #Court #dismisses #appeals #convicts #ERE #case #asked #reform #crime #embezzlement #applied #favorable

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