The Surprising Connection Between Sugar Consumption and ADHD in Children: How Too Much Sugar Works as a Dopamine Stimulant, Acts Like a Drug, and Can Worsen ADHD Symptoms, Lead to Fatty Liver Disease, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and Even Climate Change – What Parents Need to Know.

by time news

2023-05-06 19:02:33

In ADHD children, a clear relationship has been found between their behavior and damage to the dopamine system in their brains. The cause of this behavior is related to too much sugar consumption. Sugars are a dopamine stimulant and should actually be seen as a drug. Sugar is consumed on a very large scale by children and is the hidden driver of what we call ADHD.

Sugar seems innocent but is comparable to drugs. Its effect on our brain and body is exactly the same. Drugs have a habit in the body you need more and more to get the same effect. Sugar has the same effect. Sugar is also very addictive and in children, just like drug addictions, when the so-called good feeling, which is caused by dopamine, is not present, it evokes all kinds of moods, moods! When their dopamine level is too low, your child’s behavior changes.

What does an ADHDer actually experience

  • feels restless.
  • is quick to anger.
  • Has less sense of duty.
  • talks a lot and is busy.
  • Makes contact with other people very easily.
  • Starts and stops things quickly.
  • Has problems handling money.
  • Quickly has problems with other people

Putting this in a row means that it is equivalent behavior to a drug addict. But our children can’t be addicted to drugs, can they? Or is it! So yes. Many of our children are addicted to sugars in their drinks and food! And sugars are just one of the kinds of drugs that produce the same effects in the body as drugs do. We then talk about what heroin, cocaine, alcohol and similar substances do; it stimulates the dopamine system in brain.

And just like with drugs when overused the body becomes resistant and needs more and more to get the same effect. With sugar, this is the case very early in a person’s life. When the body does not receive sugars to make dopemine, the child becomes restless and the attitude changes. In children, this effect is not recognized by parents as withdrawal symptoms. They experience their children as busy, unruly and restless. Go to the doctor with it or through school and then be told your child has ADHD.

ADHD is one of the symptoms, but there are several complaints in children that are also related to too much sugar consumption.

Doctors are now seeing children with fatty livers in their offices, something that used to be only seen in alcoholics. How is this possible because children do not drink alcohol? Fatty liver diseases are also very dangerous and give all kinds of other diseases images in the body. Basically, it comes down to the fact that sugar is a drug and therefore a poison for the body. The fructose component in sugar can only be processed by the liver, just like alcohol, which are in beer and wine and are obtained by fermenting sugar in grapes, for example. So just like with alcohol, excess fructose in the body is only processed by the liver and in excess is first stored as fat to be burned later. But because children consume sugars all day long, it does not allow the body to rest and the liver must continue to process the fructose into fat in the liver. The sugar component glucose is also removed from the blood very quickly by insulin because it is a poison. The Insulin brings the excess glucose to the cell as quickly as possible to be burned there. But here too, due to the excessive use of sugar, especially by children, it is not immediately burned but stored as fat elsewhere in the body. Here you can see, among other things, that the children develop obesity and type 2 diabetes. Which can also cause other diseases.

The commerce exposes the children to many substances and impulses that generate dopemine, they are only interested in customer loyalty and profit.

In addition to diseases, the Corazon Foundation also sees many links with sugar and the problem of the climate. Being under the influence, addicted makes the population less responsive to danger, we seem to be becoming more and more passive. Despite the destruction of the earth, of our habitat, all those disasters, the loss of biodiversity and our health, people seem to be passive and not responding properly! So one can continue with what causes the climate problems. We think this is due to the intoxication that people are in since childhood. We have become highly addicted to many substances and impulses. Whether it’s TV, internet, mobile or gambling, drink, drugs, eroticism and therefore also our daily food, which is highly processed food with addictive substances such as sugar, they all do the same thing, namely activate our dopamine system. And so our customer adhere to the products. Humans are delicate, which leads to excessive use and eventually resistance to the substance in our brains, dopemine. Which, therefore, makes us consume more and more and deteriorate. People eventually become chronically ill and very depressed without knowing it and with regard to climate or other problems we respond more and more laconically to dangers.

Corazon asks you to search the internet for items that provide more insight into the effects of sugar.

#Children #ADHD #addicted #sugar #early #age #experience #mood #swings

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