The surprising leftist: supports the ultra-Orthodox law

by time news

The media person Rezi Barkai surprised the panel that dealt with the bill that seeks to assign separate bathing days to the ultra-Orthodox in the nature reserve and gardens and supported the proposal

This week it was announced that MK Moshe Gafni, along with members of his party, Deputy Minister Uri Makleb and MK Yaakov Asher, placed on the Knesset table a bill to regulate separate bathing hours for men and women in springs and nature reserves of the Nature and Parks Authority. According to the bill, at least 15 percent of the bathing hours of these sites will be segregated.

The media revolted at the publication as usual and attacked the bill and there were those who argued that Israel was indeed going to become a Halacha state. However, there was someone who surprised and actually supported the bill. This is the veteran media person Rezi Barkai, who is associated with the left.

The veteran IDF radio presenter, Razi Barkai, surprised last night in a panel dealing with the issue on ‘Arutz 13’ and said: “I am in favor of the ultra-Orthodox demand to have a few days to bathe separately in nature reserves. You can give them a few days a month. They don’t demand the weekends anyway because of Shabbat desecration. So why not?”.

Barkai explained that the secular public in the State of Israel goes to nature reserves mainly on weekends, since during the week they work for their livelihood and do not travel around the country, so it is possible to live with such a law and it has decency.

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