The system that prevents you from starting the car if you have been drinking

by time news

On July 6, the New Law on Traffic and Road Safety came into force, by which the connection interface for anti-start breathalyzers is mandatory in Spain for vehicles used for the transport of passengers by road. European regulations, Regulation (EU) 2019/2144, establishes the obligation for vehicles approved as of 07/06/2022 and newly registered as of 07/06/2024 to carry this interface.

Drivelock, a Malaga-based technology development company for safety devices at the wheel, has launched the first wireless vehicle immobilizer breathalyser in the country, which takes the name of the company. This device, patented and manufactured in Spain based in Malaga, was born with the aim of reduce the number of accidents for alcohol consumption, preventing those who have drunk from starting the car.

The Drivelock system integrates the terminal with a mobile app that allows you to control blood alcohol (BAC) by measuring the control of expired air through human breath. A technological product that offers a reliable and precise measurement in the diagnosis of alcohol intoxication.

Drivelock works with an electrochemical fuel cell sensor technology that analyzes the breath. The user blows through the mouthpiece and the device transmits the data to the phone to display the blood alcohol level. A process that must be carried out in front of the mobile camera in order to obtain the result. In this way, it is not possible for another person to blow. It works with a rechargeable battery via a micro-USB cable, making it easy to charge in any type of device. Drivelock needs to be calibrated once a year, and based on this, the company has created its own breathalyzer calibration center in Malaga, the first in the country.

road safety

The founder of Drivelock, Jose Gonzalez Villodres, explains that this project is the result of the professional and human need to innovate by virtue of the safety of people, in order to make citizens aware of the damage that driving under the influence of alcohol can cause. Under the slogan “Drive is living”, this company from Malaga encourages citizens to reflect on it.

Device photo


This company patented the wired breathalyzer in Spain a few years ago and is now launching this wireless radiofrequency system, easy to install and adaptable to any vehicle. One of its main advantages is that when passing the ITV, the user does not need an extra card, because by not manipulating the series installation, it is not necessary to homologate a modification in the engine.

From the management of the company they report that school transport is one of the your potential customers, “because there are more and more associations of fathers and mothers who demand safe driving from the school,” says José González Villodres. Thus, multiple school bus companies in Andalusia already have Drivelock on their buses.

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