“The threat of fascism, just as it is present throughout Europe, is also present in Spain”

by time news

2023-07-30 06:30:05

I think there is a tradition of the author’s song that sings not only to love but also to a social and political reality that challenges us. I grew up in this tradition and feel like a follower. Also, I think it’s a tradition that will continue over time. It has to do with political commitment and the search for themes that go beyond the romantic, which is what 90% of the songs focus on.

Is it more necessary today for musicians to take sides?

I don’t think it’s mandatory to make songs with a political commitment, although I do think there are moments of urgency when it’s worth showing union solidarity when the occasion calls for it. In times when there is censorship and we see how concerts and plays are cancelled, yes, perhaps, as a collective, we should be much more active and forceful in demanding respect for freedoms and rights .

How did you experience the last general elections in Spain?

With the uncertainty that I imagine many other people felt. It was a night of relief to say the least, although a stronger result would have been desirable. We didn’t have them all with us. Personally, I was immersed in a kind of melancholy that let’s say the result has dissipated a little. Now we have realized that Spain is more plural and diverse than some believe and that this portrayal that had been made by certain media was not correct. And that reassures him. What happens is that we must be aware that we cannot succumb. The threat of fascism, just as it is present throughout Europe, is also present in Spain.

At the time, he defined his previous record, we will be, as “an introspective journey”. A The song of our life continue with this self-awareness?

I think that the author, when he writes songs, is trying to understand the world he lives in as well as the place he occupies in it. So all the records end up being a journey of self-discovery because the musician in general terms is a guy with a complex clinical picture, with many doubts, who is afraid of the passage of time, of loss, and that through the songs fight those fears. I think there is a mechanism in our heads that has caused what happened in the pandemic to be encapsulated in time. we will be it is a very beautiful work, which I like very much, but now I perceive it as distant. But like almost everything that happened in that pandemic. On the other hand, in this new album I recognize myself more, because there is a point of celebration of the present, of loving and vindicating oneself.

The song of our life, the song that gives the album its name, was the first preview. Who is it aimed at?

To all the people who have accompanied me throughout all these years of my musical career. With this song I try to summarize the 26 years that have passed since I first went on stage. I want to pay tribute to all the people who have been close, my friends and family, of course, but also all those fans I met in the venues in Madrid and other small venues all over Spain where I started playing. They are people who are still with me today and who have followed a very similar journey to mine. We’ve grown up, had kids, had our hearts broken, and even given up, but then got back up.

He will be 50 years old next year. Is this figure somehow reflected on the disc?

When you approach that age you feel like you’ve come a long way. There is a theme called I love me that talks about claiming and loving yourself. Another, the invisible lovers, is about the invisibility that sometimes comes with the passage of time, the need to look at each other and this stanza that is always missing to incorporate. There is also Time, a song that addresses how in these times of capitalism time is snatched away from us. And time is a value that we must claim without guilt, whether for leisure or for ourselves. So, yeah, a lot of the lyrics revolve around taking care of yourself and maybe that has to do with me approaching 50.

the tour of we will be he included a theatrical part in his concerts. For what reason?

Putting theater in concerts gives another dimension to the songs. I’m a guy who is obsessed with building stories, and I think it’s good to do it around the live. And I’ll definitely continue to research around here, because I really enjoy the dialogue, being able to nuance the songs and recreate plots. Also, it’s something I really enjoy.

It seems that it is becoming common to see him in concert in the summers on the Costa Brava…

We have had the opportunity to be there a few times lately, yes, and the truth is that they always treat us very well. I’ve also been able to spend the summer there a few times, coinciding with some of the concerts we’ve done and the truth is, yes, it’s always a pleasure. In addition, very beautiful festivals are held in this area, with a different concept and more diverse proposals. Less commercial.

#threat #fascism #present #Europe #present #Spain

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