The Three Little Pigs and the Wolf Virus

by time news

twelve o’clock, April 9, 2021 – 08:37

of Fortunato Cerlino

Ci once stayed three little pigs who stayed at home with their mum. Nu juorno the woman took them aside and said to us: Guagli, ‘life is not always beautiful, it happens sometimes that we run some danger. arrived ‘or moment that you leave and you make’ na your home, to understand if you have the courage, intelligence and imagination to face ‘or danger.

The three little pigs looked at their mother with a puzzled expression.

Mom, but I look so beautiful here !. He said ‘or who lazy of the three.

And that’s why you have to go.

But what a pity ?, he asked or second.

Sin wouldn’t be the first time we’ve been threatened, and you need to be ready.

But is it really necessary to expose yourself to danger? Third, that of the brothers asked who cu ‘a head’ ncoppa ‘and shoulders.

Not necessary, but accuss stanne ‘and things. Mo, for example, wanders through the woods with a wolf that looks like a bat, which is very frightening. ‘Or they call Virs and say he is very infamous. Be aware and keep your eyes open.

Accuss the three little pigs left at the maternal house. ‘O who lazy of the three sayings’ ncapa a isso: Mamm always exaggerates. ‘A beautiful life. We are on the ground just to have fun and feel good. A fear and alarmism have never brought good advice, and I do not believe in the wolf.

Instead of a real house, Stu Pig built himself on the beach nu Chiringuito, which was na species’ and a kiosk made of straw and reeds. After a couple of days of effort, the pig was already on his deckchair with a nice aperitif in his hand to enjoy the sun. Just ‘either wolf Virs’ or lookout, if he laughed.

But look at you asshole !, said ‘ncapa a isso. What is the end of what those who do not believe in wolves do.

With a single bite, Virs ate either little pig, on deck chairs, and even Chiringuito.

‘O second pig, who instead wanted to be a little more attentive to his mother’s advice, he too built a house near’ o the sea, but ‘faceted’ and wood, like a beach cabin, and inside it he put a little provisions.

At least I enjoyed the sea as long as possible, then if the wolf comes, I lock myself in and survive with what I keep, he thought, or little pig. And how indeed ‘o wolf arrived. Indeed, the log house proved to be quite strong, and apart from some damage to the structure, Virs was unable to knock it down.

Here is just a matter of waiting. He thought, or wolf. A few days passed and the little pig looked out the window.

Virs! Aging finished the supplies, I have to go out to get me to survive. To warn you, nun approach you ‘sin I’m armed !.

Overly ?, replied ‘or wolf pretended to be afraid. So I don’t go near it, go out and stay calm.

The little pig came out and the wolf started following him. When he approached the little pig you took an aspirin out of your pocket. ‘O wolf if he made a good laugh.

But aspirin alone is not enough to kill me !.

But I kept this at home! Replied the little pig.

Accuss Virs launches himself on the pig and if you eat it like facette cu ‘o frate.

By now only the last little brother was missing to eat, the one cu ‘a head’ ncoppa ‘and shoulders. When Virs approached the house he had built ‘or third, he found himself in front of a building of stone and concrete, and to his surprise, he found the door open.

But look stupid, thought ‘o wolf, and transect inside. He found himself in a very large room full of laboratories and specialized equipment. He began to wander around in search of the pig, but instead found a door, beyond which was another room larger and more equipped than the one before. Room after room, ‘o wolf kept finding open doors and specialized machinery, but no’ o third little pig, who meanwhile had put cameras all over the house to spy on that infamous wolf. The farther the wolf advanced, the more he built rooms and workshops in advance to make him lose. In fact, when he was a pig when he left his mother’s house, he had worked hard to get everything he needed and was able to survive for a very long time. In this way he would have achieved three things. ‘One was to keep working despite’ or wolf was on his trail, ‘second was to not starve during’ hunting that infamous, and thirdly was to get enough information to ‘see what it was’ or point debilitating and chella beast.

When Virs finally arrived in the last room, he found the little pig waiting for him.

Ah! I caught you !.

No, I am the one who catches you !, replied ‘o little pig. By now you are too tired and weak to hurt me !.

But how did you do to reduce me accuss ?.

it was easy. I appreciate that to defeat you I didn’t have to ignore you or even barricade myself inside. Either way, you would have won. The only thing to do was to have a very large and well-equipped house, and accuss I was able to survive, study and weaken you.

April 9, 2021 | 08:37

© Time.News

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