The thriller of deserted canoes round Rome 7,000 years in the past

by time news

2024-05-25 16:00:28

One of many neolithic canoes from the Italian web site of Marmotta with an age between 7,000 and seven,500 years and a really superior expertise / Museo delle Civiltà- MPE L. Pigorini, CC BY

Hace al menos 7,000 años, junto a un lago cercano a lo que hoy es Roma, una comunidad desarrolló una tecnologia en sus embarcaciones muy superior a lo que cabía esperarse. They lived there for 450 years till they deserted every little thing: their homes, their grand ships, their devices and even their containers stuffed with meals. Y la escena quedó allí, congelada.

This distinctive neologic web site was found within the Nineteen Eighties. It took a number of many years of analysis, esto es lo que sabe la ciencia sobre los pobladores de La Marmotta

Cómo llegaron hasta allí y de dónde venian

The Mediterranean Sea has been the cradle of quite a few civilizations. Fenicios, griegos, romanos y cartagineses surcaron este mar, virtually cerrado, para trasladarse de manera rápida a lo largo de sus costas y sus islas.

Uno de los principales migratorios de la historia se documenta en el Neolítico, cuando comunidades de Farmers and shepherds started their diaspora all through Europe and North Africa from their supply of origin within the Close to East, about 10,000 BC..

Por diferentes razones, entre ellas a powerful demographic improve, drastic local weather modifications y una menor productiveness de la tierra, algunos grupos marcharon y fueron ocupando paulatinamente toda Europa.

Within the case of the Mediterranean, la presencia de estos grupos humanos se documenta hacia el 6 900 aec en tierras helenashacia el 6 100 aec en el sur de la península italiana, durante el 5 700 aec en el noreste de la península ibérica y en el 5 400 aec en las costas lusas del Atlántico.

El mar Mediterráneo debió ser una vía segura y rápida por la que transportar peoples, animals y beiens en embarcaciones. Proof of that is the detection of traces in quite a few Neolithic settlements within the islands and within the territories near the coast.

Esta fue la razón que lévó a autores como Jean Guillain y João Zilhão a proponer que aquellas primeras comunidades de agriculturists y pastores debieron desplasarse preferentialmente por mar mediate pequeños movimientos de navegación.

What’s there on the opposite aspect of the ocean?

Aquellos grupos no se lanzaron al mar sin conocer que había más allá del horizonte que veían desde sus costas. Los conocimientos que tenían sobre las rutas marinas commenzaron con las comunidades cazadoras-recolectoras-pescadoras del Mesolítico, y quezás antes, transmitiendo y perfeccionando de generación en generación.

That is the one solution to clarify the presence mesolithic occupations en las islas de Cyprus, Córcega, Sicilia y diversas islas de Grecia, como Icaria, Lemnos y Melos.

Por qué se han conservado

The conservation and archeology of sure organic stays, reminiscent of wooden, pores and skin and woody crops, is barely attainable in anaerobic contexts the place micro organism don’t work totally. En concreto, espacios con mucho frío, de alta temperatura y secedad, bajo el agua o con mucha humidado. That is the case of the settlement of La Marmotta, a settlement discovered within the inside of the lake of Bracciano, within the Italian inhabitants of Anguillara Sabazia. Its location, 3 meters from the underside of the lake, ha permitido su conservación de manera pure.

Localización del asentamiento de canoas, bajo el lago Barciano, muy cerca de Roma.

Localización del asentamiento de canoas, bajo el lago Barciano, muy cerca de Roma. / Museo delle Civiltà- MPE L. Pigorini, CC BY

The settlement, found within the finals of the Nineteen Eighties When the canalization works have been carried out to move the water from the lake to Rome, it was occupied by the primary Neolithic farming and pastoral populations that arrived within the heart of the Italian peninsula about 5,700 years BC.

La comunidad de La Marmotta eats the descendents of aquellos primeros agriculturists y pastores de Próximo Oriente que occuparon poco poco todo el Mediterráneo. After a number of generations, and possibly coming from the south of the Italian peninsula, they discovered on the shores of Lago di Bracciano an ideal enclave to stay: candy water, good land for cultivation, a panorama the place you may hunt, gather, fish and acquire quite a few uncooked supplies con las que construir sus casas y hacer parte de sus utiles. What can I ask for?

Las cinco piraguas de La Marmotta

Entre los materiales elaborados en madera hallados en La Marmotta, hay cinco grandes piraguas que hablan de gentes que tenían amplios conocimientos marítimo y navales. It’s attainable to achieve La Marmotta from the coasts of the Mediterranean throughout the Arrone river.

The canoe Marmotta 1, is excavated in an oak trunk and has a length of 10.43 meters, a width of 1.15 meters in the stern and a width of 0.85 meters in the bow, and a height of 65 to 44 centimeters.

The canoe Marmotta 1, is excavated in an oak trunk and has a size of 10.43 meters, a width of 1.15 meters within the stern and a width of 0.85 meters within the bow, and a peak of 65 to 44 centimeters. / Museo delle Civiltà- MPE L. Pigorini, CC BY

They stayed there for about 450 years till a probably catastrophic occasion, attributable to an increase within the lake stage, pressured them to desert their properties, boats, devices and containers stuffed with meals.

Las piraguas son monóxilas, es decir elaboradas sobre un ínico tronco. A diferencia de otros neolithic websites más recientes, donde las canoas se hacen siempre con una sola especie, en La Marmotta se han identificado upto 4 especies diferentes: roble, olmo, haya y álamo. Eso demesura que conocían perfectamente las propiedades y usos de la madera de distintos árboles. Its measurement is numerous. Desde la más pequeña, de 5.4 meters, as much as the mayor, with 10.43 meters.

Los refuerzos y una vela posible

The technical complexity of the boats will not be solely mirrored in its size, but in addition within the presence of sure naval parts linked. That is the case of the transversal reinforcements elaborated on the bottom of the piraguas, and particularly of the three items within the type of “T” connected to one of many sides of the piragua 1.

These items present 2, 3 and 4 perforations, respectively. Though we wouldn’t have archeological and ethnographic references that assist us to grasp its usefulness, we’ve three hypotheses: they have been capable of serve to attach cables to a attainable sail, they have been used so as to add a stabilizer they usually have been intermediate parts to unite one other boat in the identical approach catamaran, obteniendo así un doble casco.

This technical complexity speaks of the existence of individuals with nice technological information and experience within the elaboration of canoes.

The carbon 14 relationship of the 5 canoes, and one of many “T”-shaped items, reveals that they have been made roughly between 5,600 and 5,300 BCE They’re the oldest Neolithic vessels in Europe and the one ones discovered de este periodo en el Mediterráneo.

Pudo haber más y debió haber muchas otras comunidades con tecnología avanzada surcando el mar.

He collaborated additionally on this article Gerard Remolins (Regirarocs), Mario Mineo (Museo delle Civiltà di Roma) and Alba Masclans (Milá i Fontanals Establishment (IMF-CSIC))

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