The transformation of offices into apartments, a mirage

by time news
Former offices have been transformed into a residence by the Novaxia Investissement group, in Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine). Credit: Novaxia

DECRYPTION – This is not where the solution to the new housing crisis that French households are going through is to be found.

It will soon be possible to live in the former Tati de Barbès store in Paris. The building is undergoing a restructuring that will allow the creation of 35 housing units, next to a hotel, offices, shops and a cultural space. In Paris, again, nearly 200 housing units have been created in the Morland building, the former prefecture of the Seine, located in the 4e borough. In Metz, it is the former headquarters of the Urssaf which is being transformed. Emblematic projects appear regularly, showing that such transformations are possible.

While fewer and fewer new houses and buildings are springing up and telework is reducing office space, some believe that these transformations – which may also concern business premises, garages, department stores, warehouses – could be a solution to the lack of housing.

Significant additional costs

Today there are 4.4 million square meters of vacant offices in the Paris region…

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