The Tretyakov Gallery will train museum workers in the Far East

by time news

Minister of Culture Olga Lyubimova held a working meeting with the director of the museum’s branch in Vladivostok

Back in 2018, Vladimir Putin proposed launching a program to create cultural, educational and museum complexes in the country’s regions. The first of them is being built in Vladivostok and is due to open in 2023. Until the building is ready, museums create the basis for the cultural development of the region. Recently, an agreement was signed on the preparation of joint educational programs between the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) and the Tretyakov Gallery. The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova discussed the already implemented projects and plans for the future with the director of the Tretyakov Gallery branch in Vladivostok, Larisa Kotreleva.

The idea of ​​launching joint educational programs of FEFU and the Tretyakov Gallery has been discussed since 2019, and now it has come down to real things. The University and the Museum will launch a special educational module “Museum Science and Art Management”, where students will study the history of art and museum affairs, museum design, legal foundations of museum work, and other disciplines. Training will begin in the 2021/22 academic year. Some lectures will be held remotely, others – on the university campus on the Russian Island, where the classes will be conducted by specialists from the Tretyakov Gallery.

At a meeting with Olga Lyubimova, she also spoke about other gallery projects in Vladivostok. One of them is a seminar for museum workers of the Far Eastern Federal District, which is planned to be held for the third time in the fall. There, museum specialists discuss the practical issues of the profession. Another project is a temporary pavilion of the Tretyakov Gallery, where an exposition about the museum and its collection will be presented without the participation of originals. It will be located at the Seaport and will be open to the general public from August 29 to September 26. Thus, according to Kotreleva, it will be possible “to flexibly build a dialogue with the townspeople while the building of the cultural, educational and museum complex is being built, of which the branch of the Tretyakov Gallery in Vladivostok will become a part.”

Let us recall that when the building of the complex is completed, it will house branches of several museums at once – the Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, as well as the Museum of the East and the Primorskaya Gallery. In the meantime, the State Tretyakov Gallery is located in the building of the Primorsky Art Gallery.

It is there that the inhabitants of the region will be able to see the masterpiece of Petrov-Vodkin, known as the “Petrograd Madonna”. The one-painting exhibition will take place in October and November 2021. This project is timed to the anniversary of the end of the Civil War in the Far East. The work of the famous artist will tell about the events that happened a hundred years ago through the prism of fine art.

Olga Lyubimova approved the upcoming programs and stressed: “It is very important that all initiatives are worked out in detail, taking into account the regional agenda and the interest of local residents.”


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