“The Ultimate Guide to Properly Storing Oatmeal for Maximum Freshness”

by time news

2023-05-25 13:09:09

How to properly store oatmeal

To keep your oatmeal fresh, crispy and tasty for as long as possible, you should heed the following information:

Airtight container

After opening the package, pack the oatmeal in an airtight container that can be sealed tightly. A glass jar with a lid or a plastic jar works well for this. Important: the container must be clean and dry to avoid moisture build-up.

Cool, dry place

Store the container of oatmeal in a cool, dry place. Heat and humidity can cause the oatmeal to spoil or go rancid faster.

Avoid sun exposure

Make sure the storage location is protected from direct sunlight. UV light can affect the quality of the oatmeal and shorten its shelf life.

Separate storage

Make sure that no other foods or substances that have strong odors are stored near the oatmeal. Oatmeal can easily absorb odors, so it’s best to store it separately from strong-smelling foods like spices or coffee beans.

Check expiration date

Oatmeal has an expiry date. Be sure to check this date when purchasing oatmeal and use before this date. But: oatmeal is usually still edible after the expiration date, as long as it has been stored properly and shows no signs of spoilage.

Worth reading: Baking oatmeal: 5 tips for the perfect crunchy muesli >>

#eat #oatmeal #day

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