The uniform should make its debut in 5 schools in Reims in September 2024

by time news

2023-12-11 20:05:39

The experiment should begin at the start of the next school year. The Government wants to test the single outfit in schools, colleges and high schools. The number of testing establishments will be limited since the measure is partly financed by the State. Arnaud Robinet, the Horizons mayor of Reims (Marne) has already chosen to apply as a test city. He is delighted with this experiment proposed by the State and not imposed: “Today we need to find a framework in our schools. Wearing the uniform is not the alpha and omega but it is a stone in the building for a return to order and values. This can help eliminate social or community differences. There is also this feeling of belonging to a team, to an establishment,” underlines the elected official.

Two sweaters, five polo shirts and two pants

A kit consisting of two sweaters, five polo shirts and two pants, with an optional badge, will be provided to each student. Worth €200, this kit will be fully financially supported equally by the State and the town hall. Each child will be entitled to one new change of clothing per year, in case of wear. The question of a blouse or an apron is also being studied for the youngest in kindergarten.

In Reims, there is talk of allowing five schools to embark on the experiment. Exchange and consultation are the two watchwords for Véronique Marchet, first deputy to the City of Reims, delegate for Education. “We are not looking for standardization at all costs. This will be offered on a voluntary basis, she says. One school will be chosen in each constituency. The idea is to go and test in different establishments, we want a sample of 5 schools representative of the city. »

In certain private schools in Reims, the uniform or blouse has already been in practice for several years. At Saint-Michel, students have worn the blouse in the small section in CE1 since 2020. Consideration is underway to extend it to CM2. “I’m not saying it’s a magic solution but it’s interesting to try it. We notice that it erases differences in clothing and it is also a tool to highlight our unity, especially since we have a great cultural, religious and social diversity,” remarks Isabelle Longuebray, director of the Saint- Michael.

Harassment, secularism, authority at school… All the data on these themes will then be studied over the course of the experiment, which will last two years. Gabriel Attal, the Minister of National Education, promised that scientific monitoring would be proposed with an evaluation of the results.

#uniform #debut #schools #Reims #September

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