The United States has imposed sanctions on a number of senior Iranian officials

by time news

Against the background of the nuclear agreements: The United States today (Tuesday) imposed new sanctions on nine Iranian citizens and four organizations, for serious human rights violations, and repression against innocent civilians, political rivals and protesters. Sanctions were also imposed on organizations in Uganda and Syria.

U.S. sanctions have been imposed on the Special Forces of the Iranian Law Enforcement Agency (LEF), and a sub-unit within the Anti-Terrorism Special Forces (NOPO), for being responsible or complicit in the commission of serious human rights violations in the country. The sanctions were also imposed on a number of senior members of the various security forces in Iran, including Hassan Carmi, commander of the LEF, Mohsen Avrahami, commander of the NOPO, and Golmarza Suleimani, commander of the Basij, which is the main security force within Iran. .

Anthony Blinken on nuclear talks and the prospect of an Israeli attack on Iran (Reuters)

In addition, sanctions were also imposed on the city of Quds, for being responsible or complicit in committing serious human rights violations. According to the Americans, it demanded that the armed forces shoot unarmed demonstrators in large-scale demonstrations in Iran in November 2019. Along with it, Revolutionary Guards investigators Ali Khamtian and Masoud Spadri were also sanctioned for holding long records of physical abuse of political prisoners in detention facilities.

Along with it, sanctions were also imposed on Muhammad Carmi, the commander-in-chief of the southeastern Quds Operational Base of the Revolutionary Guards in Zahdan in the Sistine and Balochistan provinces. This is because he was responsible for the actions of the Revolutionary Guards officers who fired live ammunition at unarmed fuel tankers who sought to exercise their freedom of expression.

Meanwhile, the Americans also sanctioned the Zahdan and Isfahan prisons, which for years executed innocent protesters. The imposition of sanctions has been approved by the US State Department under Article 106 of CAATSA, which allows the Secretary of State to register individuals and organizations responsible for “killing outside the walls of the court, by torture or gross violations of internationally recognized human rights and rights against individuals in Iran.” .


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