The Urban Art Liebesbier Hotel in Bayreuth is extraordinary

by time news

2023-08-09 19:11:21

Two teenagers flirt on the regional express to Bayreuth, and their friends shout: “Samson is in love with Paula!” Everything as before. The former grammar school is also still standing, the site of so many defeats. And just like in the past, the city shines during the festival season, flags are waving, the flower beds on Luitpoldplatz look so magnificent, as if a horde of gardeners were tending to them day and night. But of course the impression is deceptive. The past may seem like the present to the returnee, until she gradually frees herself from her illusion and turns to one chapter after the next.

The present: A few hundred meters away from the former stock cellar, where you danced the night away and didn’t fall down even when you were drunk because it was far too crowded for that and there was always a helping arm on hand, there is now a Maisel brewery in Bayreuth Hotel that is unparalleled in Germany. In Bayreuth of all places! The hotel is called Liebesbier Urban Art Hotel, and urban art here isn’t just a marketing slogan promoting a few graffiti, it’s a concept. The artist Jasmin Siddiqui, whose stage name is “Hera”, curated the hotel in a similar way to a museum exhibition – only that the artists were given free rein in their creative urge. The only condition was: no violence and no discrimination. Sex was allowed.

#Urban #Art #Liebesbier #Hotel #Bayreuth #extraordinary

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