The US Space Force’s Mysterious X-37B Drone Set to Soar into Space Once Again

by time news

Title: US Space Force’s Mysterious X-37B Drone Delayed; Speculation of Searching for Threats from Hostile Nations’ Satellites

By Melissa Koenig

Published Dec. 10, 2023, 3:12 p.m. ET

The launch of the US Space Force’s mysterious X-37B unmanned drone has been delayed due to inclement weather as it is expected to soar into space once again on a mission that has sparked speculation about its purpose.

The oddly-shaped spacecraft was originally scheduled to take off from Cape Canaveral, Fla. on Sunday night, but its launch was postponed as powerful storms made their way across the East Coast. However, it has now been rescheduled to launch on Monday night.

There are expectations that the X-37B will reach new heights on its latest mission as it may be used to search for threats from hostile nations’ satellites. The spacecraft is expected to conduct experiments and tests related to future space domain awareness technologies, leading to speculations that it will keep an eye on satellites launched by enemy nations.

The Pentagon has previously used X-37Bs to test new technologies and deploy small satellites, further hinting at the secretive nature of the program. The program’s budget and on-orbit activities remain a mystery, contributing to the mystique surrounding the X-37B.

While the exact purpose of the X-37B’s mission remains classified under the purview of the US Space Force, it has garnered international attention, with China expressing skepticism about the United States’ use of the mysterious crafts, claiming the government is trying to weaponize space.

Despite the secrecy surrounding the X-37B, Gen. David Thompson, Space Force’s vice chief of space operations, has hinted at “exciting things” planned for the spacecraft, indicating that its capabilities and purpose extend beyond public speculation.

As the launch of the X-37B is rescheduled for Monday night, the public remains eager to unravel the mysteries surrounding the spacecraft’s mission and its potential role in safeguarding US interests in space.

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