The victims were killed in the bedroom – the accused used several knives

by time news

There are no signs that the murders were planned. No one was heavily intoxicated and the police have found no clear motive for the murders on New Year’s Day.

The police outside the house three people were stabbed to death on the night of New Year’s Day. Photo: Lisa Ailin Rosvoll Berntzen / NTB

Published: 27.02.2024 13:10 | Updated: 27/02/2024 15:24

The short version

  • A 19-year-old man is charged with the murder of his mother and stepfather, and the attempted murder of his 11-year-old sister in Straumen in Sørfold in Nordland. The police believe he took his own life afterwards.

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Short version is for subscribers only

A deceased 19-year-old man is charged with the murder of his mother and stepfather and attempted murder of his 11-year-old sister in Straumen in Sørfold in Nordland on New Year’s Day. He took his own life afterwards.

On Tuesday, police said they believe the murders were committed with a knife. Injuries caused by a knife are the cause of death for all three dead. The police believe that two knives were used in the incident.

– A knife was used to take the lives of Terje Åsmund Nordhei and Elin Nordhei Bordi. The same knife was also used to injure the accused’s 11-year-old little sister, while the other knife was used by the accused to kill himself, said police prosecutor Kristine Pedersen at a press conference on Tuesday.

Police prosecutor Kristine Pedersen in the Nordland police district met the press in Bodø on Tuesday. Photo: Jan Langhaug / NTB

This is what the police believe happened

After the participants of the New Year’s celebration had gone home, the family went to bed. The accused was the last to go to bed, according to the police.

– Once approx. between Between 04.30 and 04.50 on the night of New Year’s Day, the first accused killed Terje Åsmund Nordhei. This happened in the bedroom, and he probably died quickly, said Pedersen.

The police then believe that the accused killed Elin Nordhei Bordi. This also happened inside the parents’ bedroom.

– The police’s investigation has established that there was a fight between the accused and Elin Nordhei Bordi before she died, says Pedersen.

Sister aged 16 called AMK

While this was happening, the youngest sister, aged 11, woke up to the noise in her parents’ bedroom, which was next door to her own bedroom.

– When she went to see what happened, she was also attacked and suffered knife injuries, says Pedersen.

At the same time as this happened, the 16-year-old sister woke up from the noise on the floor above, and ran to see what was happening.

She met the accused and spoke to him. Then she decided to run downstairs and call an ambulance.

– She locked herself in the bathroom while she spoke to 113, says the police attorney.

The 16-year-old sister held the line for AMK, until the police patrol arrived at the house. Among other things, she gave information about the code for the key box outside the front door.

The first patrol on the scene locked themselves in and cleared the home sufficiently for paramedics to enter the house.

– At the same time that the 16-year-old sister was talking to AMK, the accused took his own life, said Pedersen.

The conclusion of the police is that there are no traces in the case to suggest that this happened in any other way.

– There are no indications that anyone has been heavily intoxicated, she said on Tuesday.

On 1 January, the police investigate the home where the murders took place the night before. Photo: Lisa Ailin Rosvoll Berntzen / NTB

– Unlikely with clear answers

Investigations the police have carried out so far have found no clear motive, and there are so far no indications that this was planned.

– The police have also obtained the accused’s health history, and this must be investigated further, says Pedersen.

She says it is unlikely that unequivocal answers or final conclusions can be given in a case where the accused is dead.

– But all hypotheses that can provide answers as to why this happened are being investigated.

It was Elin Nordhei Bordi (46) and Terje Åsmund Nordhei (46) who were found murdered in Sørfold in Nordland on the night of New Year’s Day.

The couple’s names have been released by the police in agreement with next of kin.

The police have charged a deceased 19-year-old man with the murder of his mother and stepfather and the attempted murder of his 11-year-old sister.

Terje Åsmund Nordhei leaves behind a 19-year-old son who the police specify must not be confused with the accused 19-year-old.

Nordhei’s 19-year-old son was not present at the family’s home in Sørfold when the incident took place on New Year’s Day.

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