The warning to OT 2023 contestants about ‘El Hormiguero’

by time news

2023-12-07 21:11:31

Thursday, December 7, 2023, 8:11 p.m.


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The Operación Triunfo contestants face the unknown. They become famous for their impact, although some people think that millions of people see them. That happened to Omar, who saw how the Academy’s own director, Noemí Galera, took him down from that cloud from which she thought large audiences could see him.

During their stay at the Academy, the contestants are visited by renowned singers. They give them advice on what they should do in the future. This Thursday they were visited by Dave Zulueta, a former winner of the 2018 edition, who gave them a series of recommendations. Among them were the ones they should have when they left Operación Triunfo. “Drink, fuck, enjoy the fame you have at first, but don’t go to ‘El Hormiguero’,” he warned them.

A poisoned dart to Pablo Motos and the program, where celebrities come to present their new projects, among which are actors, actresses, singers or athletes, among others. “Great advice,” Salma said as soon as she heard the former triumph’s words.

Zulueta also warned them about the reality check once they were out of the contest. «This is the high point. Then there is luck that 1% of us achieve it, which is to climb, but this is something that is very difficult to overcome. It doesn’t last forever. Everything that goes up comes down and when it goes down, it goes down well and one is not prepared,” he told them.

A few days ago, following the words of Alfonso Guerra in ‘El Hormiguero’ in which he stated that he “feels sorry for comedians, because they can no longer make jokes about homosexuals or dwarfs,” several comedians complained about the warnings they receive. from the program when jokes are made about it.

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